Wednesday, May 6, 2015

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!

Hi Family.  Happy Wednesday! In today's Mona Girl Blog, Our Lord is having me chat with you about something WE ALL NEED!! We NEED this to function.......WE NEED this to keep our sanity..........WE NEED this to walk out our daily lives..........WE NEED this to interact with others..........WE NEED **PEACE**!!!! defines PEACE as: "a state of tranquility or serenity".  Hmmmmm, is a state of tranquility or serenity how you roll?  Is a state of tranquility or serenity how you walk out your daily life?  Is PEACE something you have, NO MATTER WHAT life throws at you?  It's easy to have PEACE when things are going along smoothly and effortlessly.....but what about when the road gets a tad bumpy.......when life's stuff starts to mess with you?!?  Do you have PEACE in your life your actions reflect a PEACE of mind, body and soul?

Yeah!! That's a toughie - LOL! And being a T-shirt holder of Many, Many PEACE Tests, I have to say that getting to the point where PEACE is a part of your life is more than is absolutely ESSENTIAL in order to order to live :) And how do you acquire this PEACE I speak of, you ask??  For Mona, it came as a package deal as a result of my a result of me continuing to grow and mature in my personal relationship with My Lord!  I tried to find PEACE in the external things of life (i.e., my company, money, family, friends, material possessions, etc.) but that's not True PEACE. External PEACE can only take you so only lasts so's based on things and people who are constantly changing.  OHHHHHHHH but the PEACE that Our Heavenly Father offers......the PEACE that He Promises to ALL HIS Children.......the PEACE that NEVER goes away........the PEACE that NEVER changes....only gets betta and betta as we grow closer and closer and deeper and deeper in relationship/fellowship with Our Lord.  This, my Loves, is the only kind of PEACE that I seek....that I treasure!!

"I give you PEACE, the kind of PEACE that only I can give.  It isn't like the PEACE that this world can give.  So don't be worried or afraid." (John 14:27, CEV)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV) 

Awww, but here's the catch.  To get this kind of PEACE, to live in this kind of PEACE space, is not achieved overnight.  It is a process that requires us to allow (ALLOW) Our Lord to lead us down the narrow path......the road less traveled......the come out of our comfort zone......the can we face and conquer life's challenges/trials.....all the while permitting Our Loving Lord to TEST, PRUNE and DISCIPLINE us. Yeah!  It requires some "heavy lifting" on our part to get to this place of PEACE No Matter What in our lives. It requires consistent effort.  It requires us to be an active participant in a Loving partnership with Our Heavenly Father as He gently guides us to this treasured place of existence. And the Good News is that when we are obedient and do the work He requires, we have Our Lord's **PROMISE** (His Full-proof Guarantee) of PEACE......a Blessed state of tranquility or serenity.

And as my friend Shellie says when something is really important: Rinse & Repeat -- WE MUST KNOW OUR LORD PERSONALLY AND REST IN HIM INTIMATELY TO HAVE HIS PEACE!!

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect PEACE, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee." (Isaiah 26:3, JUB)

"The LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you PEACE." (Numbers 6:25-26, NIV)

Family, there is soooo MUCH Our Gracious Lord can teach us about PEACE....about living in a state of tranquility and serenity if we would only be willing (WILLING) to allow Him to step into our lives and become our Private PEACE Tutor. And when we begin to excel and pass our PEACE Tests.......whewee!!!, we can say with LOVE, JOY and CONFIDENCE, just like King David did:

"I will lie down and sleep in PEACE, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." (Psalm 4:8)

Oh Yeah!!  Now that's the kind of PEACE I'm talkin bout!!  Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus!! As I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, I leave you with a cool Comparing Peace Chart by Paul J. Bucknell and a beautiful, PEACEFUL video entitled Prayer for Peace of Mind.

1. Dependent on feelings1. Dependent on trust
2. Must be seen2. No need to be seen
3. Does not allow for troubles3. Allows for troubles
4. Feels must manage situation4. Need not manage situation
5. Tries to control5. Trusts God to control
6. Ultimately fails6. Always endures
Do you want a peace that fails you just when you need it the most?Or do you desire God's peace that keeps you calm in the most threatening situations?

Continued Success and Blessing!!

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