Wednesday, May 27, 2015

JUST TWO THINGS.........#AndThat'sIt!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is a Corporate Word.  And what is a Corporate Word, some of you may be asking? Wellll, it means that what Our Lord is having me share with You today, applies to ALL of Us.....not just Mona, not just applies to Everyone reading Mona Girl Blog....and that's a GOOD THING becuz we can ALL get in on the Blessing!!

This morning as I was chill-laxin in Our Heavenly Father's Mighty Presence, (my Fave place to be), He said two things to me which were "repeats/reminders/confirmations" from what an Awesome Man of God (shout out to Angel Kenneth) said to me a few weeks ago. OK!! Are you ready?!?........Wait for it......Wait for it..........



So, what do you think? Are you excited about this important Revelation, this powerful Instruction, this mighty "To Do" that applies to ALL of us? or not so much - LOL!

I get the feeling deep in my heart and soul (Thank You Holy Spirit!), that some of US are getting ready to step into, transition into some **BIG STUFF**!! Meaning, the Time, Sacrifices, Obedience, Humility, Commitment, Generosity, Patience, Endurance, Training, Equipping, Perseverance, Preparation, Transformations, Genuine Forgiveness to those drinking Hater Aid, that we've put in......the Heavy Lifting that we've been doing has Our Heavenly Father moving Us into New Territory!  WE are being Promoted!!! WE are being Rewarded!! WE are being BLESSED beyond, beyond!!  And hence, the **TWO THINGS** that We are to do, that He requires of Us, as We Step Into our We Step Into our BLESSINGS.......



Oh Yeah!! And because Our Lord ALWAYS makes sure I have a couple Scriptures riding shotgun with me that back up HIS Instructions.....HIS "To Do's'":

"But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33, KJV) 


"So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs.  God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time.  Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you." (1 Peter 5:6-7, Message)"

So, no matter how overwhelmed We are with the *BIG STUFF* that's coming our way....we Must Not let it overtake Us......consume Us.....distract Us.  We Must continue to Keep Our Focus on the BLESSOR and not the Blessing. We Must continue to Hold On Tight to HIS Loving Hand.  This way, Our Transition, Our Promotion will be smooth, effortless and void of DRAMA!!! Just like today's Title says..........JUST TWO THINGS.....#AndThat'sIt!!

Family, as I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, I need you to REALLY get that this Corporate Word (this Important Prophetic Word) Our Lord is having me share with YOU is not from Mona!! I am ONLY His Channel, His Vessel, His Conduit, His Messenger to get and give YOU His Mighty Message of Instruction and Blessing!!

I am sooo Excited for what's NEXT for some of Us.  For what's On the Horizon for Us based on this Powerful Corporate Word!! I can feel in my spirit, Lots and Lots of Testimonies and Praise Reports will be shared this Sunday, May 31st and beyond on the Prayer & Praise Line (details below).

Rinse & Repeat: 



OK!!! **JUST TWO THINGS**......... and WE are good to GO!!!! Thank You Jesus!!  Thank YOU!!

Continued Success and Blessings!!

Also Family, FYI.............

Our Lord has put on my heart to start a Prayer & Praise Line!  And YOU KNOW ME, I am uber **Obedient** when it comes to His Suggestions, so I AM ON IT!! The calls will be the last Sunday of the Month, with the next call being Sunday, May 31st.  Dial-in anonymously, give your name at the prompt, join in for a few minutes or the entire hour......however you choose to participate is completely up to you :) 

Time: 7:00p - 8:00p ET

Dial-In Number: (605) 477-2100

Passcode: 343645#

**Feel free to email me at if you have any questions prior to the call.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Welllllll, today's Mona Girl Blog was going to be a LOL! Take 2 but Our Lord has something else in mind (smile).  When I went to check out the Jokes I was going to include in LOL! Take 2, Holy Spirit led me to the following Joke that has now morphed into today's Post - EYES WIDE OPEN???

There was a Preacher who fell in the ocean and he couldn't swim. When a boat came by, the captain yelled, "Do you need help, sir?" The Preacher calmly said "No, God will save me." A little later, another boat came by and a fisherman asked, "Hey, do you need help?" The Preacher replied again, "No God will save me." Eventually the Preacher drowned and went to heaven. The Preacher asked God, "Why didn't you save me?" God replied, "I sent you TWO boats!"

LOL!  Yeah, now that's funny but at the same time.....oh so sad.......and a Preacher no less!! And aren't we sometimes just like the drowning Preacher?  We are asking God for His Help, for Him to rescue us, for Him to save us, for Him to make everything all right.....while at the same time our Eyes are Shut to His His God-selected form of Help.

Whewee!! I can raise my hand (actually both hands...way up high) in this class!! There have been times when I've been desperate for Our Lord's Help, for Him to show up and show out in my situation/circumstance and after looking back.....I've realized (more like He's told me just like He did with the Preacher), HE DID ANSWER MY PRAYER!  It was just not the way (person, place or thing) or in the manner by which Mona thought how My Heavenly Father would answer me. Oh Yeah!! Adds a whole new meaning (Thank you Jesus!!) to the Scripture:

"For my thoughts are not as your thoughts, neither are your ways as my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts more than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9, Jubilee)

I was expecting, thinking, assuming Our Heavenly Father would show up and Answer my Prayer/Help Me/etc. by Mona's limited, finite vision, by the way I saw Him working in my life.  In other words, my Eyes were Shut to Our Lord's way of handling my situation.  I was so focused on how Mona would handle the circumstance, I did not see My Sovereign Lord's Mighty Hand when He showed up.

Family, don't know if you've been where I've been......felt what I've felt......but I want to share with you that Our Lord ALWAYS Answers our Prayers...our S.O.S. cries for Help.  But in most cases, the life raft Our Heavenly Father sends our way may NOT look like what we expected.....may NOT be what we had hoped for.....may NOT be exactly in the manner or timing we envisioned..........but if we look at our circumstance/situation with our Eyes Wide OPEN (instead of being closed to or unaware of any other resolution besides our own), I guarantee your Prayer will be Answered by **THE ONE** in THE BEST WAY........HIS GOD-ORDAINED, PERFECT TIMING WAY!! Which is ALWAYS better than anything we could come up with on our own.....#HE'sPerfect!!

"As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him." (Psalm 18:30, NKJV)  

And having learned this Lesson (after a few times around my self-inflicted mountain - LOL!), I NOW am chill-laxin in the space of understanding that Our Lord and Savior will use ALLLLL sorts of people, places or things to come to my move Heaven and Earth for Mona!!  I have NOW learned to expect HIM with my Eyes Wide OPEN!! I don't want to be like Preacher Man and miss His life-saving boat!!  So my mindset has changed to watching and waiting for HIS being on alert for HIS Solution (which, Again, is ALWAYS THE BEST) for handling my life stuff. And knowing that Our Heavenly Papa LOVES surprises......Oh Yeah!!  No telling how He's going to show up and surprise You with His mind blowing keep your Eyes Wide OPEN!!

Well, my Loves, as I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, it's clear that when it comes to Our Lord's Blog, I am operating with my Eyes (and ears for that matter) Wide OPEN or we wouldn't have ended up here today.  Sooooo, maybe next week we'll revisit LOL! Take 2??  Hmmmm but WE know, that ALL depends on Him :)

Also Family, FYI.............

Our Lord has put on my heart to start a Prayer & Praise Line!  And YOU KNOW ME, I am uber **Obedient** when it comes to His Suggestions, so I AM ON IT!! The calls will be the last Sunday of the Month, with the next call being Sunday, May 31st.  Dial-in anonymously, give your name at the prompt, join in for a few minutes or the entire hour......however you choose to participate is completely up to you :) 

Time: 7:00p - 8:00p ET

Dial-In Number: (605) 477-2100

Passcode: 343645#

**Feel free to email me at if you have any questions prior to the call.

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

PSALM 23.................#Powerful!!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

For today's Mona Girl Blog, Our Lord just said - "share Psalm 23." Soooo, I am going to be *Obedient* and share with you one of my top 3 Fave Scriptures from THE BOOK - The 23rd Psalm.

The 23rd Psalm was written by my favorite Man of God - King David!! OH YES!! King David was a warrior from birth and Our Sovereign Lord predestined David to be HIS Humble Servant before David was even formed in his Mother's womb.

What I LOVE about David is that he, just like us, was flawed in many ways....made mistakes.........made some bad choices that had dire consequences, etc. We learn from David's life that even though he messed up (and whewee!! did he mess up B-I-G at times), our compassionate and caring  and loving Heavenly Father ALWAYS forgave him, just like HE does with us.  Here's a link to read a summary on David/King David's incredible life: Life of King David

As you know from reading about King David, he was A Man After God's Own Heart and because of his LOVE and the INTIMACY he shared with his Lord, David wrote the Awesome and Humbling Book of Psalms in The Bible. And here's where the Spirit of God is leading me share with you one of King David's most famous I am sure you are familiar with.......The 23rd Psalm.

Family, as I close today's Mona Girl Blog, I ask that you Really, REALLY take time to get quiet and still (phone off, TV off, music off, i-pad, i-pod, laptop off.....ALL distractions off) before the Lord as you soak in each and every beautiful and intensely heartfelt word of this Magnificent Psalm. King David truly knew what he was talking about when he wrote this Love Letter to his Sovereign Lord, to his Mighty and Loving God!! Please let each and every syllable be a deep, penetrating, calming balm to sooth your mind, heart and encourage you at the depth of your empower you.....and to remind YOU, that just like King David, YOU are One of Our Lord's treasured and loved sheep.

Our Lord is **OUR SHEPHERD** and when we REALLY get that....when we REALLY understand how Wonderful and Powerful that knowledge is.......when We Know, that WE Know, WE ARE HIS.....OH YEAH!!!  We can do this life thing with Confidence and Assurance and Peace and Grace!  WE WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE!!  The 23rd Psalm is **Our PROMISE** from Our Loving Lord to Us!!

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!

Hi Family.  Happy Wednesday! In today's Mona Girl Blog, Our Lord is having me chat with you about something WE ALL NEED!! We NEED this to function.......WE NEED this to keep our sanity..........WE NEED this to walk out our daily lives..........WE NEED this to interact with others..........WE NEED **PEACE**!!!! defines PEACE as: "a state of tranquility or serenity".  Hmmmmm, is a state of tranquility or serenity how you roll?  Is a state of tranquility or serenity how you walk out your daily life?  Is PEACE something you have, NO MATTER WHAT life throws at you?  It's easy to have PEACE when things are going along smoothly and effortlessly.....but what about when the road gets a tad bumpy.......when life's stuff starts to mess with you?!?  Do you have PEACE in your life your actions reflect a PEACE of mind, body and soul?

Yeah!! That's a toughie - LOL! And being a T-shirt holder of Many, Many PEACE Tests, I have to say that getting to the point where PEACE is a part of your life is more than is absolutely ESSENTIAL in order to order to live :) And how do you acquire this PEACE I speak of, you ask??  For Mona, it came as a package deal as a result of my a result of me continuing to grow and mature in my personal relationship with My Lord!  I tried to find PEACE in the external things of life (i.e., my company, money, family, friends, material possessions, etc.) but that's not True PEACE. External PEACE can only take you so only lasts so's based on things and people who are constantly changing.  OHHHHHHHH but the PEACE that Our Heavenly Father offers......the PEACE that He Promises to ALL HIS Children.......the PEACE that NEVER goes away........the PEACE that NEVER changes....only gets betta and betta as we grow closer and closer and deeper and deeper in relationship/fellowship with Our Lord.  This, my Loves, is the only kind of PEACE that I seek....that I treasure!!

"I give you PEACE, the kind of PEACE that only I can give.  It isn't like the PEACE that this world can give.  So don't be worried or afraid." (John 14:27, CEV)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV) 

Awww, but here's the catch.  To get this kind of PEACE, to live in this kind of PEACE space, is not achieved overnight.  It is a process that requires us to allow (ALLOW) Our Lord to lead us down the narrow path......the road less traveled......the come out of our comfort zone......the can we face and conquer life's challenges/trials.....all the while permitting Our Loving Lord to TEST, PRUNE and DISCIPLINE us. Yeah!  It requires some "heavy lifting" on our part to get to this place of PEACE No Matter What in our lives. It requires consistent effort.  It requires us to be an active participant in a Loving partnership with Our Heavenly Father as He gently guides us to this treasured place of existence. And the Good News is that when we are obedient and do the work He requires, we have Our Lord's **PROMISE** (His Full-proof Guarantee) of PEACE......a Blessed state of tranquility or serenity.

And as my friend Shellie says when something is really important: Rinse & Repeat -- WE MUST KNOW OUR LORD PERSONALLY AND REST IN HIM INTIMATELY TO HAVE HIS PEACE!!

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect PEACE, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee." (Isaiah 26:3, JUB)

"The LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you PEACE." (Numbers 6:25-26, NIV)

Family, there is soooo MUCH Our Gracious Lord can teach us about PEACE....about living in a state of tranquility and serenity if we would only be willing (WILLING) to allow Him to step into our lives and become our Private PEACE Tutor. And when we begin to excel and pass our PEACE Tests.......whewee!!!, we can say with LOVE, JOY and CONFIDENCE, just like King David did:

"I will lie down and sleep in PEACE, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." (Psalm 4:8)

Oh Yeah!!  Now that's the kind of PEACE I'm talkin bout!!  Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus!! As I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, I leave you with a cool Comparing Peace Chart by Paul J. Bucknell and a beautiful, PEACEFUL video entitled Prayer for Peace of Mind.

1. Dependent on feelings1. Dependent on trust
2. Must be seen2. No need to be seen
3. Does not allow for troubles3. Allows for troubles
4. Feels must manage situation4. Need not manage situation
5. Tries to control5. Trusts God to control
6. Ultimately fails6. Always endures
Do you want a peace that fails you just when you need it the most?Or do you desire God's peace that keeps you calm in the most threatening situations?

Continued Success and Blessing!!