Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well my Beautiful Beauties.....has Holy Spirit Got a God WORD for Us Today!!!

One of my Fave sites on Facebook is *Poetically Prophetic* which you can check out here: Poetically Prophetic. And if you're Not a FB person, you can check out their website here: Restored Ministries Blog  It's a place where you can read God Words penned through powerfully anointed souls. It's a place of encouragement and peace. It's a place where you can rest and chill-lax in the Divinely Prophetic. It's a place where the Presence of the Lord lingers!! When you have time, click on the Links and SOAK! It'll be time well spent. 😇

Soooooo last Sunday, as I was chillin and getting my Prophetic Read On, this Mighty Meat entitled "I HAVE FOUND WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR" penned thru Amanda Eksteen deeply touched my heart and soul. It's a God Word full of Divine Confirmation and Revelation! It's a God-Ordained Place where some of us have been and have FINALLY Arrived!! It's a Pure Word of Truth that will touch your soul in a way you can't help but Shout.......THANK YOU JESUS!!

So Here We Go..........

I longed for someone or something
to change my life
I had this emptiness and loneliness
inside of me
I had a deep hunger inside
not knowing for what...
I continued having this desire for something
to fill the emptiness
I searched all over for that missing link
I read self help books
I tried to be a better person
I did all the rights things according
to the standard of men
I even attended church on a regular base
But still I was empty on the inside...
Until one day I cried out to one name...
That one sweet name was JESUS
The name above all names
That name saved me...
That name healed me...
That name delivered me...
That name wrote my name
in the palms of His hands
He taught me to love...
He taught me to forgive...
He taught me to have faith...
He taught me to trust Him no matter how hard,
No matter under which circumstances
No matter how I "felt"
He taught me to hear His voice
He showed me my gifts and showcased them
He revealed Himself to me as a loving Father
He told me He loves me
He told me I am His precious daughter
He told me that He will never leave me, nor forsake me.
Today I have peace, love, joy and victory.
Jesus changed my life!



Family, JESUS Soooooooooo LOVES US!! He so CARES for US! He will NEVER Leave or Forsake US! (Hebrews 13:5)  And just like Holy Spirit so lovingly penned through His Anointed Scribe Amanda.....JESUS will Save US! He will Heal US! He will Deliver US! He will Love On US! JESUS has Our Names y'all.......OUR NAMES!! engraved on the Palm of His Hand!! Now THAT'S what I call LOVE!!

Loves, as I close out our time together today. Holy Spirit put on my heart as I re-read this God Word for the umpteenth time.........the hearts and souls of ALL those who are hurting, in despair and terribly disappointed by the turn of events in Washington with the appointment of Mr. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I urge you my Brothers and Sisters to NOT Give Up! Please do NOT Stop speaking up and telling your stories of abuse, disrespect and injustice!! Abba Father's Truly Got You despite what IT currently looks like! (Genesis 12:3) He will reveal ALL wrongdoing in His Perfect Timing! (Galatians 6:7)

Please do NOT allow this horrible political (cuz That's ALL it is) nightmare, this terrible mockery of Justice (by those who are actually supposed to Honor and Stand For Justice)....... SILENCE YOUR VOICE!! 

Remember Whose You Are! Remember Whose Light You Carry! Remember Who has Your Name engraved on the Palm of His Hand!! Remember, YOU HAVE FOUND JESUS.....THE ONE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR.......HE LIVES, BREATHES AND DWELLS IN You Boldly and Courageously Walk Out Your Magnificent Life as HIS LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS!! 

#BeHisVoice #SpeakJustice #DontBeSilent #HesGotYou

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Metsies' Off-Season Scripture #2:

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