Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves......Today, Holy Spirit's Word He penned through Me for You has Totally Wrecked Me! In an Ohhhhh so God Way!! So Here We Go...........

Fawn Sighting Back Story:
Last Sunday. I was chill-laxin with Chosen One Susan, looking out the window watching the Deer on the trail behind their home. To be specific for those who will email (smile), White Tailed Deer. They are so very Beautiful. It's exciting to watch them on a normal day but On Sunday!! WOW! We got to see a Fawn!! He (or She) was Sooooo CUTE!!!!!! Lookin just like Bambi (with its brown fuzzy fur with white dots),  nursing on its Mommy!! Its legs were so long and lanky it had difficulty maintaining its balance......wobbling back and forth trying to keep up with Mama Deer to get its drink on. It looked just like this

As we were so excited in watching, while trying not to scare them off.......BAM! All of a sudden, Bambi begins to wobble away from Mama Deer and lay down in the high grass, completely hidden from view. Then Mama Deer trots off the other way.  Loves, I was just DONE! I panicked. I screamed........"Mama you forgot Bambi." I went outside and looked through the fence and saw Bambi's Big Brown Eyes peering back at me through the tall grass. Susan and I were beside ourselves..........."What's Going On?!" "Did SHE just leave Bambi?!" "What should We do?!" 

Family it's clear what Holy Spirit did NEXT, is what Today's Message is ALL about. It's clear what I Lived Out on Sunday was NOT just a "God Wink Word" for Mona but a Corporate Word. Meaning a God Word for ALL of Us!!

And for those of You who read His Mona Girl Blog on a regular basis, you'll remember Our Father God is A BIG FAN of the *PROCESS* when it comes to our lives (See LIFE'S A *PROCESS*). That HE is in Every Single Solitary Detail of what's necessary and required for Us to "Walk By Faith and Not By Sight."

Sooooo. Being that I was Totally UNDONE! And wanted's what Abba Father did NEXT  with Me that's Also a God Word for YOU. This is the Detailed *PROCESS* I walked out with Him.........

OK! Did Mama Deer Ditch Bambi?!:
1) I went upstairs. Shut the door and began to cry. And then I began to Pray: "Father God, I KNOW Your Ways are Not my Ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) but Lord, I don't want to hear that right now. I am not going anywhere, I LOVE You with my entire life but PLEASE help me understand why the Fawn is Lost in the weeds and we saw Mama Deer run away?!"

2) Then just like Abba was sitting right next to me. I heard: "Google Why Mother Deer leave their Fawns." And here's what He led me to: DEER! - Don't Touch That Baby!  Oh Yeah! PEACE came INSTANTLY! Thank You Lord!

3) About an hour later, after MORE Praying and just Being Still........went back downstairs. Fawn still in its spot in the high grass.

4) Went back upstairs and Prayed: "Father God. Please Show Up because YOU Control EVERYTHING!"

5) And then I heard IT!! Nothing but God speaking directly to Me and Now to You!! The Lord said: "The Same Way I am protecting MY Fawn. I've protected and cared for You. Use this Faith Test as an opportunity for Me to Show You how I protect My Fawn and You." Oh Yeah Again!! More PEACE came along with Tears of Humility for doubting My Father God.

6) Then Daddy God said: "Go downstairs and make your dinner." So when I got downstairs, I made a bee-line for the window where I saw Mama Deer, across the field, eating grass. She would eat, then stop and look directly at the spot where her Fawn was laying in the tall grass. Then she would move closer to that area. Eat some more, then stop and look again at the spot where her Fawn was. This Process (smile) went on for about 2-3 minutes (which seemed like Forever!!). And each time she moved closer, I kept trying to Will her to keep coming to Bambi's hiding place. NOT realizing SHE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING! NOT realizing SHE KNEW EXACTLY WHERE HER FAWN WAS! And then BAM a "Divine Revelation"...........I WAS THE ONE WHO HAD NO CLUE!!

7) As I was standing staring out the window, rewinding the "Deer - Don't Touch That Baby" article in my mind, realizing (in my humanness and lack of knowledge) I had completely misread the entire situation the Lord said: "Sit down and watch."

8) All of a sudden!! Bambi runs out of its hiding place to Mama Deer and begins to nurse again. And Mama Deer continues to lick, clean, groom and care for her Fawn. As evening led into night and night into the next day and the next and even this morning........I continue to see Mama Deer continuing to Protect and take Great Care of her Beautiful Fawn!!!

9) ASKED & ANSWERED!! Thank You Father God for Blessing Me to See and Share this Miracle God Wink! And Thank You Lord for the Intimacy We've Shared with You through this entire Story of Process of comparing Us with Your Fawn!

Whewee Loves! As I continue to type His Message for Us, I continue to be so wrecked by the Divine Timing and the Meticulous *PROCESS* Daddy God took me through on Sunday via the entire "Bambi & Mama Deer Parable".  Abba Father wanted to make it crystal SHOW Us (cuz He knew we'd be together with Him this Wednesday) that HE'S TRULY IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING!! No matter what We are dealing with. No matter what We are walking through. No Matter What or Who..........HE'S IN TOTAL CONTROL!!! HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE! HE'S PROTECTING US! WE DON'T NEED TO WORRY because Family, HE'S POWER *AND* HE'S LOVE!!

The Almighty All Sufficient God (El Shaddai), The All Powerful Creator of the Universe, Our Sovereign Lord is Also our Heavenly Father, Our Abba Father, Our Loving Shepherd. HE'S POWER *AND* HE'S LOVE!! 

Whewee!! Hallelujah!! I just can't stop saying IT........(Speak Holy Spirit).......HE'S POWER *AND* HE'S LOVE! We can Cry Out to HIM to Show Up with ALL Power and Authority in Heaven and Earth but We can Also climb up into His Beautiful Loving Lap and rest our head against His Chest just like a child does with its earthly Father.

And here are the Scriptures Holy Spirit led me to, to confirm His "Bambi & Mama Deer Parable"......

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which  you do not know."  (Jeremiah 33:3, NKJV)

"For we walk by Faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7, NKJV)

"Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm." (Psalm 105:15, NIV)\

ALL of Psalm 91 which you can read here: Assurance of God's Protection but especially Verses 14-16. PLEASE Insert Your Name  and make IT *Personal* to YOU!!

"Because Mona cleaves to me in love, I will deliver her;
I will protect Mona, because she knows my name.
When Mona calls to me, I will answer her;
I will be with Mona in trouble, I will rescue Mona and honor her.
With long life I will satisfy Mona, and show her my salvation." (Psalm 91: 14-16, RSV)

Loves, I Need You to REALLY REALLY GET THIS!! The Same way Our Lord is protecting and taking care of Bambi, is the Same way Our Lord is protecting and taking care of You and Me!!  As Chosen One Susan said: "The same way Bambi is covered with the protection of Mama Deer's Imprinting, is the same way We are Covered in the Blood of Jesus!!!!!!!" Hallelujah! Speak Holy Spirit!

My Beautiful Family.........Do You See?!  WE DON'T NEED TO FRET OR GET ANXIOUS about Anything or Anyone because OUR FATHER GOD'S IN EVERYTHING!! HE'S GOT US! HE'S POWER *AND* HE'S LOVE!! That's How We Roll!! Oh Thank You Lord!! Thank You Father God!! GLORY!!

*REST* In This! Take *PEACE* In This! And *LIVE IT LIKE A BOSS*!! 😇

P.S. Loves, Wanted to Share this Mighty E-Book with You! 16 Pages of Powerful Scriptures embedded in Beautiful Pictures!! Read It! Save It! Share It! Encouraging Scriptures E-Book

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:


Ok! You, and You and You didn't we have to do this again...........


Perfect! Thank  You!




Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #15:

**Matthew 19:26**

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dwain for Sharing This Scripture with me. PERFECT FIT for Today's Message..........

    6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

    7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    Philippians 4:6-7 King James Version (KJV)

