Wednesday, June 21, 2017

IT'S PRAYER TIME..........

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, TODAY, Holy Spirit has me being His Vessel of Prayer to YOU. What that means is, today's Mona Girl Blog is about Us coming together as one.

Plain and Simple.....IT'S PRAYER TIME......So please give me your hands, close your eyes and bow your head.............

Father God, we come humbly to Your Mighty Throne of Grace right now as Your World-wide Family that You united and joined together back in December 2014. We had no idea who each of us was, where we lived, what our Faith Walk was like, Believer or Non-Believer, our ethnicity, male or female, gay or straight but here we are NOW........united in Love coming to You in Prayer.

Heavenly Father, I want to THANK YOU for ALL of Us! I want to THANK YOU for bringing us together from around Your Beautiful Globe to come and receive what "thus saith the Lord" every Wednesday! I KNOW that I have grown in such unimaginable ways as I continue to faithfully and enthusiastically serve as your Anointed Scribe each Wednesday. What an Honor! What a Privilege! So Very Grateful!

I continue to be overwhelmed by Lessons Learned and Hearts Transformed as we share our lives with each over each week. For those who reply to me via email after each week's post to those who reply every once and awhile to those who do not reply....I THANK YOU Father God for ALL of our World-wide Family and for continuing to come into our lives and transform us, mold us, shape us, inspire us, encourage us, comfort us, protect us, discipline us, humble us, celebrate us, cry with us, laugh with us........LOVE US!! 

Lord God, You spoke Your marvelous world into existence and We are Your Children.  And whether We know it or not, We each have a Specific Purpose, a Custom-designed Call on our lives. And I PRAY right now as we kneel boldly at Your feet Lord that We humble ourselves enough to ask YOU what Your Purpose is for each of us.  I PRAY You show us, reveal to us EXACTLY why You created us.....WHO WE ARE TO BE ACCORDING TO YOUR WILL!

And Jesus, I KNOW this is a hard question for some of us to ask and even harder for some of us to receive the answer. But I PRAY that each and every one of us TODAY.....RIGHT NOW....get the courage to ask YOU this glorious, life-altering question. And for those who do make the Ask Lord, I THANK YOU for taking us into your loving arms and leading and guiding us on this Mighty Adventure, Your God-Ordained Journey to reveal this Truth.

Father God, Your PRESENCE & LOVE are so important to us. And I THANK YOU for ALWAYS being by our side (carrying us if need be) as we each in our own individual and imperfect ways......get our Faith Walks.......this thing called Life under control and in unison with Your Plan and Purpose for Our Lives. 

Abba Father, I PRAY we keep our eyes fixed like flint on You, holding tightly to Your Unchanging and Loving Hand as We Step Out of the Boat, Walk on Water with You and have the Courage, Faith and Determination to Daily Live Out Our **BEST** Lives....Your Way......YAHWEH! In Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Well Family, that's ALL I've got for today.  I hope this PRAYER sinks deep into your heart and soul and fuels and feeds you for the days, weeks, months to come.

And Loves, **Please** don't Ever, EVER forget:




Continued Success and Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
I *KNOW* what I'm asking seems Impossible but I'm living this Truth in Real Time just like You! 

The crazier things look on the outside, the more impossible things appear to be, the more ridiculous the circumstances become.......We MUST keep a Positive Attitude in our Hearts! 

Sooooo, Gentlemen......NO MATTER WHAT.........Keep *SHINING**!! 

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #20:
"For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control." (2 Timothy 1:7, GNT)

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