Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

As we continue to Walk Out Lenten Season together and head toward the Glory of Resurrection Sunday, Holy Spirit continues to remind me of my Lenten Season Mantra: "Lent is no longer about Giving Up Things - it's ALL about Becoming so I can Receive His Blessings."  And this continued on Repeat as I read the "Reflections Message" of the April Praise & Prayer Calendar I received yesterday from My Blessed Sister (Heyyyyy Shalawn!!).  

I so enjoyed the Devo from "Seeing God In Everything" that I thought I would SHARE the idea with His Mona Girl Blog Family!! P.S. If you want a copy of the April Praise & Prayer Calendar, shoot me an email and I will send you the pdf file cuz I can't figure out how to embed the link in today's Blog (smile).

Anywho.....the scribe for "Seeing God In Everything" described in her April Devo an assignment/activity her Sunday School Class participated in called "Random Acts of Kindness".   Each of the Sunday School Class students was to perform a spontaneous good deed and then report about it to the class.  She said one of the classmates spoke of an encounter she had while she was running errands.  She had regularly seen a group of gang members and stepping into her "Random Acts of Kindness" assignment full force, she courageously asked to speak to the gang leader.  When the gang leader approached her, she did not allow herself to get intimidated or back away from Holy Spirit's nudge and proceeded to tell him that he didn't have to live the life of a gang leader and then ended their little chat by informing him that she was PRAYING for him.  The author of the Devo goes on to say that as the classmate was sharing her "Random Act of Kindness" story with the class, she said the gang leader did not accept her message with open arms BUT he did admit that he'd never had anyone tell him they were PRAYING for him. Despite the gang leader's honesty, the classmate felt she had not done enough........that maybe she could have done more.  But her Testimony ended with her fellow classmates encouraging/assuring her that she had Planted a Seed in the gang leader's life and just like in the Scriptures, God leads some of us to Plant and some of us to Water and that both of these actions prepare the soil for Our Lord to step in and give the increase. 

"I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow." (1 Corinthians 3:6, NLT)

So Loves, based on the story...the beautiful Testimony above, what do you say? ARE YOU IN?!? Want to join me over the next seven days, until we meet again next Wednesday, and do your own spontaneous "Random Act of Kindness"?? At work, in your neighborhood, at school, at the gym, at Target, at a restaurant, at the Mall, at the Market/Grocery Store, walking down the street, on the subway, at the DMV, at the Airport, at the doggie park......WHERE EVA the nudge hits you............ARE YOU IN?!?

Oh Yeah!! I see you nodding YES Mona!! I am soooooo excited to see what You Post Below in the Comments or Email Me at that I'll share next Wednesday!! Just think about it......ALL over Our Big Beautiful World!!  Our Mona Girl Blog Family will be stepping out and showing Our Love and Kindness to Our fellow Brothers and Sisters!! "Random Acts of Kindness" from one end of the Globe to the other!! WE will Be A Blessing AND Get Blessed by Being A Blessing!! Wheweee!! Can You tell I'm soooooo Fired Up about this?!? 

And Family, please remember, just like what was shared above..........folks may NOT receive what We are Doing or Saying......but again.........embrace my Lenten Season Mantra (make it Yours!) and this week, courageously Step Out of your comfort zone and Step Into your spontaneous "Random Act of Kindness"!!!! And WATCH........just You WATCH and SEE how you feel after You Plant Your Kindness Seed in someone's Heart! It's NOT about the Instant Return.......It's about the PLANTING. God will send someone else (or maybe even return You) to Water and HE will make it grow.

In the Beautiful Words of one of my Fave childhood Pastors growing up in South Bend, IN: "It's NICE to be NICE." - Rev. L.J. Perry

So Family, PLEEEEEEZ do join in and share this week. It will do my Heart & Soul such good, along with the rest of His Mona Girl Blog Family, to read your "Random Acts of Kindness"! Comment Below or Email to

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Oh Yeah!! Talk About **BULLETIN BOARD** Material!! 

#Bound&Determined! #LGM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. NO MATTER what's happened this week, elbows, blisters, etc.  ALL IS WELL!! YOU are PREPARED & READY!!  Living in a DRAMA-FREE ZONE Gentlemen!! Ignore the NOISE!! IGNORE THE NOISE!!!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #9:
"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV)


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