Wednesday, January 11, 2017

READ! REPEAT! #YourSalvation!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

"Wherever I go Your hand will guide me,
Your strength will empower me.
It’s impossible to disappear from You, 
Or to ask the darkness to hide me
For Your presence is everywhere
Bringing light into my night!

There is no such thing as “darkness” with You.
The night, to You, is as bright as the day;
There’s no difference between the two!

You formed my innermost being,
Shaping my delicate “inside”
And my intricate “outside,”
And wove them all together in my mother’s womb.
I thank You God, for making me so mysteriously complex!

Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking!
It simply amazes me to think about it!
How thoroughly you know me, Lord!

You even formed every bone in my body,
When You created me in the secret place;
Carefully, skillfully shaping me 

From nothing to something!

You saw who You created me to be,
Before I became me!
Before I’d ever seen the light of day,
The number of days You planned for me,
Were already recorded in Your book.

Every single moment
You are thinking of me!

How precious and wonderful to consider,
That You cherish me constantly in Your every thought!

O God, Your desires toward me are more
Than the grains of sand on every shore!
When I awake each morning
You’re still thinking of me." (Psalm 139:10-18, The Passion Translation)

Loves, If You're completely touched deeeeep in Your Heart after You READ! the above Scripture.....if You have an **I NEED THIS JESUS IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW KINDA FEELING** deeeep in Your Soul.......if You're crying out for Our Sovereign Lord's Mighty Hand of SALVATION & DELIVERANCE in Your Life RIGHT THIS SECOND............then REPEAT! after me The Prayer of Salvation:

Dear Jesus,
I don't want to live without a Saviour any longer.  I Believe You died for Me, and I want to confess My sin and Receive Your New Life.  I choose on this day to invite You into my heart.  I Thank You for Your blood shed for Me on the cross at Calvary.  Now I will live the rest of My life for You. I Pray this Prayer by Faith in Your Name. Amen!

WELL!!! How do you feel?!? My Blessed Love, What a Powerful, Exhilarating, Exciting, Peaceful Way for You to Walk FULLY into 2017! Finally knowing ALL is forgiven and leaving Your old self behind in 2016 and Stepping Boldly, Courageously and Radiantly into Your New Self with Your Lord & Saviour in 2017!

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a New Person.  The old life is gone; a New Life has begun!" (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT)

Oh Yeah! This is Not ONLY a Magnificent Promise from His Word, The Bible, but IT'S WHO YOU ARE RIGHT NOW & WILL BE FOREVER MORE....FREE, PURE & HOLY IN GOD'S SIGHT!! Hallelujah! Glory to God! I join with You in Celebrating the Awesome, I-Love-This-Feeling Blessing of YOUR SALVATION!

Now.......what's Next you ask?  You privately email me at and We'll Pray; We'll chat about ALL the Amazing things that are gonna begin to happen to YOU;  and We'll chat about getting you into a Bible Believing, God Worshiping Church. I know this may be a tad difficult for some of our Family around the World who don't live in the U.S......BUT God!! He's Got YOU! And because You said The Beautiful Prayer of Salvation, HE already KNOWS what's Next for You!! We just need to Touch and Agree in Pray and Hear from shoot me a private email with "My Salvation" as the subject.

OK Loves. I'm overwhelmed ova here and that's putting it mildly......I get so EXCITED and WORKED UP when those whom I Love give their Lives to Christ!! There's nothing like a Holy High!! So My Family,  I'm gonna bring a close to our time together today and go get my Praise On....Thanking Our Lord God for the Awesome Step You just Took........#YourSalvation!!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!


  1. Amen!!!!! Congratulations to those that have given their lives to Christ.

  2. AMEN! Thank YOU My Sister and Please continue to keep Me in Prayer as I Pray With ALL Of our Brothers/Sisters who are sending me their "My Salvation" emails!! Love You Girl!
