Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Hi Family,

I've dropped by this Wednesday to let you in on a TRUTH that will NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER matter what we do, no matter how we act, NO MATTER WHAT........**JESUS LOVES US!**  And HE ALWAYS will!

Whewee!  What a reassuring and comforting thought!  We do not have to earn His Love. We do not have to strive and struggle to receive His Love!  Jesus LOVES you and me because that's just who HE is!  His death on the cross over 2,000 years ago took care of ALL of our sins.....the ones we've already committed in the past and the ones we don't even know that we will commit in the future :)

The Holy Spirit put on my heart to pen this message for today's Mona Girl Blog because some of you are feeling that you've blown it when it comes to your Faith, to your Walk with the Lord.  Well, I'm here to tell YOU........YOU have not blown anything!!  JESUS LOVES YOU.....NO MATTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE!

I read several Spiritual Devotionals each morning and one of my faves is InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion by Dr. Charles Stanley.  Last Friday's Devo was entitled "God is Our Loving Father" and it was ALLLL about how people (i,.e., family, friends, co-workers, some Christians..YES, Church Folks can be the worst sometimes when it comes to the TRUTH) feel that we must barter, plead and try hard to earn our Lord's Favor.....when in TRUTH, our Father's Love is unconditional!! It was in Biblical times and it still is today. Need more proof?!?  Check out the Prodigal Son's Story in Luke 15:11-24. What goes for the Prodigal Son goes for YOU and ME...Today.....Right Now!!

"God cares for you simply because you're you, and He expects nothing in return. When God looks at His loved ones, He doesn't focus on their past failures, faults or sins.  No matter how far we may wander from the Lord's perfect will for our lives, we are always welcome back.  The Bible teaches that God's love cannot be lost, regardless of sins or poor decisions (though we may have to live with the consequences).  Our Father's arms are always open." - Dr. Charles Stanley 

So if you've strayed, you're not feeling the presence of the Lord in your life, you need to reconnect/bond again with your Heavenly Father OR you've never had a relationship with Him........what should you do?? Well, I've got a suggestion.....and a wonderful suggestion (if I say so myself - LOL!) that is Right On Time as we step into our 2015 New Year. Please Pray with me the following **Prayer of Salvation**  And just like that, you will have taken a BIG STEP forward in your reconnecting/connecting with Your Heavenly Father.

Dear Jesus, 
I don't want to live without a Savior any longer.  I believe you died for me and I want to confess my sin and receive Your new life.  I choose on this day to invite You into my heart.  I thank You for your blood shed for me on the Cross at Calvary.  Now I will do my very best to live the rest of my life for You. I Pray this Prayer by Faith in Your Name. Amen.

Wellllll, how do you feel??  AWESOME right?!?  For those of you who prayed the above, I am sooo Happy and Excited for you and I would suggest checking out your local church for Sunday Service, Wednesday Bible Study, watching some online Sermons (email me if you want a couple  God has some AMAZING things in store for your life. Just a little reminder, Our Lord is not a magician or takes us walking out our Faith each and every day.......but because of our relationship with our Heavenly Father and because we know without a doubt that **JESUS LOVES US**.......We Can Do This Thing Called Life!!!

I think the PERFECT way to close this Wednesday's Mona Girl Blog would be to share with you one of my FAVE songs:

"Jesus Loves Me this I know.  For the Bible tells me so.  Little Ones to Him Belong. They are Weak but He is Strong.  YES, Jesus Loves Me!  YES, Jesus Loves Me! YES, Jesus Loves Me! For the Bible Tells Me So."

Oh Yeah!!!! It DOESN'T get any better than this.

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!

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