Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

*First Off*: WELCOME to His Newest Mona Girl Blog Family Members.....from Greece, Serbia and Colombia!! Thank You Lord for continuing to Grow & Fuel & LOVE On Us!! WELCOME Loves!! 

Now My Family..........Today Holy Spirit's featuring a Word from our friend Madisyn Taylor and it's a God Word about the Elderly. Our seasoned Brothers & Sisters who carry.....who are filled to overflowing with Much Much Knowledge. Their Souls are ripe with Divine and Practical Wisdom. Their words are sprinkled with Wonderful Life Moments and Pure Thoughts of Revelation and Truth. Our Elderly Saints are Gems. They are Treasures to behold in our lives!

I was Blessed to spend 3 glorious years with an Amazing Woman who was Truly God's Magnificent Gem on this Earth. Her name was Margherita and she was my neighbor. From our first meeting, I knew she was special. Her fiery passion for life along with her absolute stunning beauty (she was 1/2 Cuban and 1/2 Italian) drew me to her immediately.  She had a unique way with words that would take you from a deep belly laugh to just wrecking your soul......ALL in the Same Sentence!!

Margherita Firpo (you should have heard her roll her R's) was full of Life and Energy! When she entered a room, her presence was felt by all. At God's Mighty direction and guidance, our friendship grew from a casual "Hello" in the hallway; to me going shopping with her at our Fave Trader Joe's in Chelsea; to Saturday afternoon carry outs of our Fave homemade soups from the corner bodega; to going out to dinner at our Fave Italian restaurant; to her heading uptown with me to Harlem for Sunday Church Service; to nights chill-laxin with a glass (or 2) of wine in her apartment looking at her incredible photo albums; to watching Macy's July 4th Fireworks from our Building's Rooftop; to me taking her to all her Doctor appointments and being her caregiver; to me Praying with her and leading her to Christ; to me being with her as she departed this earth for Heavens Glory.

95 years of Above and Beyond Stories and Life Adventures all wrapped up in my Beautiful Angel Margherita! I Thank the Lord Every Day that He Blessed me with such a Living Treasure. That He Blessed me with 3 years of Priceless Memories that will be in my heart and soul forever!! That He Blessed me with a Divine Angel who is now in Heaven watching over me!

So Loves, as you read this God Word thru Madisyn, think about the Elderly Saints in your life who you can connect with. Bond with. Learn from. Their Wisdom and Knowledge and just Time Spent in their Presence will bless you with Priceless Life Moments you'll Treasure forever!


The Elderly Population: Embracing the Disinherited
by Madisyn Taylor

Our elderly population are our mentors and wise folk that came before us and paved the way for our future.

In tribal cultures, the elderly play an important role. They are the keepers of the tribe's memories and the holders of wisdom. As such, the elderly are honored and respected members of tribes. In many modern cultures, however, this is often not the case. Many elderly people say that they feel ignored, left out, and disrespected. This is a sad commentary on modernization, but it doesn't have to be this way. We can change this situation by taking the time to examine our attitudes about the elderly and taking action. 

Modern societies tend to be obsessed with the ideas of newness, youth, and progress. Scientific studies tell us how to do everything from the way we should raise our kids to what we need to eat for breakfast. As a result, the wisdom that is passed down from older generations is often disregarded. Of course, grandparents and retired persons have more than information to offer the world. Their maturity and experience allows for a larger perspective of life, and we can learn a lot from talking to elderly people. It's a shame that society doesn't do more to allow our older population to continue to feel productive for the rest of their lives, but you can help to make change. Perhaps you could help facilitate a mentorship program that would allow children to be tutored by the elderly in retirement homes. The elderly make wonderful storytellers, and creating programs where they could share 
their real life experiences with others is another way to educate and inspire other generations. 

Take stock of your relationships with the elderly population. Maybe you don't really listen to them because you hold the belief that their time has passed and they are too old to understand what you are going through. You may even realize that you don't have any relationships with older people. Try to understand why and how our cultural perception of the elderly influences the way you perceive them. Look around you and reach out to someone who is elderly even if you are just saying hello and making small talk. Resolve to be more aware of the elderly. They are our mentors, wise folk, and the pioneers that came before us and paved the way for our future.

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:

Oh Yeah!! I 👀 What Y'all DID Today!! #SeriesWin! #LGM! 👏👏

Me Still Watching!
Me Still Cheering!
Me Still LOVIN My New York Mets!!!! 🙏👏⭐😍

Yoenis - Dios te tiene mi amigo!! 🙏🙏

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #24:

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves.........Today, Holy Spirit's got me coming to *Some* of You with A Word of Confirmation and A Prayer. Again, this Word is not for all but You'll Know if IT'S for You. So Let's Get At It.............

From your emails and FB private messages.......I know some of You are Going Thru and It's NOT fun or comfortable or easy. Going Thru the Final Stretch of the Labor Pains of Birthing What Father God has for You.........Birthing Your Life Purpose.......Birthing Your Destiny......Birthing His Plan for You and Your Life as HIS!

Uh-huh! I can Relate and that's EXACTLY Why Holy Spirit has You Deep Down in my Heart Today. And I'm sent to  Let You Know........Right This Moment........No Matter Where You Are......No Matter What It Looks Like in Real Time..........IT'S GONNA HAPPEN!! Oh Loves.....IT'S SOOOOOOO GONNA HAPPEN!!  Yes & Amen!! Thank You Jehovah-Jireh!!

As Chosen One Susan Always says: "God Said It! And I Believe It!"

And Family, as We Continue to Let God BE GOD in our We Continue to Let HIM DRIVE (no taking over the Divine wheel) We Continue to "Walk by Faith and Not By Sight" (yeah! not always easy) We Continue to TRUST & OBEY (yeah! again, not always easy)......HE PROMISES US IN HIS WORD...........

But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Corinthians 2:9, ESV)

"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul." (Psalm 138:3, NKJV)

"If you abide in me, and my Words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." (John 15:7,  ESV)

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield unto us; the LORD will give grace and glory; He will not withhold good from those that walk uprightly." (Psalm 84:11, JUB)

"Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us," (Ephesians 3:20, VOICE)

Ohhhh Hallelujah! Me so Excited for YOU Right Now!!!! 👏🙌🙏

**Time Out Disclaimer**: Y'all KNOW our Lord is NOT a genie but if We do what We Know To Do.....if We Allow Him to Lead and Guide.......if We Surrender US so We can be Filled with HIM.....We Can Claim and Receive the Above along with Even More of His Awesome Promises! We can Step Fully and Completely......*Like A Boss*....Into His Plan.....Into His Destiny for our Lives!! And Loves, we Don't have to be Perfect.......Abba Father Knows our hearts.

So my Holy Warriors, WHEN IT HAPPENS...........and IT'S GONNA HAPPEN........Stay Humble! Stay Usable by HIM! Stay Dependent upon HIM! Stay Focused on HIM! Stay Obedient to HIM! Stay in LOVE with HIM! Stay in a Place of Praise & Thanksgiving towards HIM! Cuz this is the Only Way You'll be able to Manage, Steward and Walk Out in Real Time.........Your Spectacular Divine Blessings!! ALL FOR HIS GLORY!

Father God, we know and we can feel that we're in a state of pure EXPECTANCY of what You are getting ready to Birth in and through Us. You have had us in a deep place of preparation, isolation and being set apart (sanctified) with You. It was necessary, it was essential, and it was mandatory. So we Thank You Father God for the Divine Intense Training. For the God-Ordained Holy Boot Camp. For Your Loving Hand that stripped and molded and pruned and refined and radically transformed Us so we would be uber ready as Your Anointed and Appointed Vessels for Your Kingdom use! We Love You Lord. We Thank You Lord and We say YES Lord....YES as we step boldly out with You into the Next You have for Us! In Jesus' Name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

My Beautiful Brothers and Sisters, One Last Thing. When IT Finally Happens.........and IT'S GONNA HAPPEN!!......make sure you give those who just don't understand.........make sure you give those who are gonna drink "hater-aid".....make sure you give those who are Not happy for you......make sure you give those who will continue to mock your Faith and slander your name (remember Vengeance is the Lord's: Romans 12:17-19).......make sure you GIVE 'EM GRACE!! Remain Humble.  Remain Loving. Remain Prayerful...........and GIVE 'EM GRACE!

Continued Success & ABUNDANT....ABUNDANT....ABUNDANT Blessings!!

Mets' Gushing Moment:
Fab Job Jacob!! Way to Represent!! 👏👏

NOW Loves........It's Act 2!! 

I've got my Trader Joe's Movie Theater Popcorn and my LaCroix Mango All Ready for The Big Show!!


"For Nothing is Impossible with God." (Luke 1:37🙏🙏

LETS GO METS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #23:

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves.........Today's Message (thanks Paula for the Holy Spirit confirmation) is NOTHING But A BIG OLE SHOUT OUT TO OUR FATHER GOD!!

Y'all KNOW what He's Been Up To!! Entire Thai Soccer Team Now RESCUED From Cave

Let me Break It Down Like This..............

1) He set the Divine Stage for ALL the World to See that HE STILL RULES & REIGNS IT ALL!

2) He made SURE the Entire World was Watching Every Single Meticulous Step of HIS Mighty RESCUE Journey!

3) He made ALL the details surrounding the Rescue Unfathomable to Imagine.....Lost for over two weeks; deepest darkest part of the Cave; food and water resources depleted; running out of oxygen/air; the 24 hr. task of managing the anxious and fearful hearts of the young boys and their Coach; having to perform the highly tedious and intricate process of the Rescue Mission MORE THAN ONCE; having the uncertainties and the unknowns of the Rescue Operation on round-the-clock media blasts; AND It's Monsoon Season!

4) Divinely Gathering HIS Expert Angels from around the Globe to Become HIS God-Ordained Operation Rescue Team!

5) Then The Creator of the Winds & the Rains STOPPED the Winds & the Rains! Hallelujah!!!


There Is Truly NOTHING Like It When Our Sovereign Lord, El Shaddai (God Almighty), Gets Our Undivided Attention and Just Flat Out PUTS ON A MAGNIFICENT, AWESOME SHOW Of HIS LOVE & POWER!!!!

Oh Yeah!! *LOOK AT GOD*!!!!!!!!!! Take A Good Long *LOOK AT OUR GOD*!!!!!!!!

"God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the Earth on nothing. He wraps the rain in His thick clouds, and the clouds don't burst with the weight. He covers the face of the moon, shrouding it with His clouds.  He created the horizon when He separated the waters: He set the boundary between day and night.  The foundations of Heaven tremble; they shudder at His rebuke. By His Power the sea grew calm.  By His skill He crushed the great sea monster. His Spirit made the Heavens beautiful, and His Power pierced the gliding serpent.  These are just the beginning of all that He does, merely a whisper of His Power.  Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of His Power?" (Job 26:7-14, NIV. emphasis mine).



Oh Hallelujah!! We Love You Lord!! Thank YOU Lord God! Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets' Gushing Moment:


#KeepYourHeadsUpLoves!! 💗⭐⭐

#LGM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙏🙏

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #22:

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Today Loves, for those in The United States, It's Independence Day - Fourth of July! It's the Day we Celebrate our Nations FREEDOM!

But I Also see this as a Day in which We can Celebrate our FREEDOM from Life's Stuff!! Maybe You are FREE from an addiction - Celebrate! Maybe You are FREE from a bad relationship - Celebrate! Maybe You are FREE from a God-Ordained Season of Development - Celebrate!! Maybe You are FREE from unforgiveness - Celebrate! Maybe You are FREE from a negative, bitter attitude - Celebrate! Whatever You are FREE from Today....CELEBRATE & Give God the Glory!!

"If the Son gives you Freedom, you are FREE!" (John 8:36, CEV. emphasis mine)

So if you're on the Shore, at the Beach, in the City, BBQ'ing, at the Ballpark, gettin excited to Watch a SPECTACULAR Fire Works eva, where eva you're Celebrating our Nations Independence and Your FREEDOM from Life's Stuff.......ENJOY & BE SAFE!!

Oh, and *Why* did I name Today's Mona Girl Blog........ANIMALS ON THE's your answer. Some of my All-time Fave Animal Pic Quotes for you to Ponder, LOL! and Share while you sip on your cool beverage as the ocean tickles your tootsies................

**Whewee!! Hallelujah!!!!! I Just Can't Get Enough of This One!! But God!!**

**Oh Yeah! Adopt Don't Shop!!**

**LOL!!! This One I can Soooooo RELATE to......on a Hot, Humid Day in NYC**

Hope You Enjoyed the Pics......If You Feel Led..........Please Share Your Own.

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:

OK Now.....I want Your Undivided, Don't-You-Dare-Look-At-Your-Phone Attention to This.......

There are soooooo Many MORE of Us For You than Against You! YOU are so Loved and Supported by Metsies' Fans world wide!

Just take a moment to peep the crowd at Away Games. See ALL those Mets' Jerseys?!

Oh Yeah! And don't even get me started on when The 7 Line Army makes a Road Trip!!

We Love You!
We Will Be Cheering You On No Matter What Your Record!
We are NOT Fare Weather, Jump On/Off the Band Wagon Fans!

Get It?! Got It?! Goood!!

OK Now.......Just one last teensie-weensie Thing..........

And Loves, I say this with Encouragement and Support and Total Respect for Your Gifts & Talents...........When Your Name is Called in the *Bullpen*, Offense, Defense, Starting Pitching, Pinch-hitting, Coaching Staff, Training Staff.............Pleez Be Ready! Pleez Be Uber Focused! And Pleez Get IT Done with Excellence!! 😇 🙏🙏

OK Now.......LET'S GO METS!!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #21: