Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

No Intro.....Holy Spirit's Getting Right Into *IT* Today...........So Here We Go.........

Family, after experiencing my own version of the "back side of the mountain time with Our Lord" like Moses, I've come to KNOW how Our Daddy God speaks to Me. And Today's Word from Holy Spirit is just that.

One of the Ways (and there are several), Abba Father Speaks to Me is when HE puts something on Repeat...meaning when He brings something back around to my mind space over and over and over again.  Holy Spirit plants something in my Heart and Then, a little bit down the road.....He brings it back on Repeat to Confirm, Encourage and Keep Me On Track!

And He's done just that with the Pic Quote that's the Center-Stage-Focus of Today's Message......

Oh Yes!! Powerful Isn't IT?!  Well, not sure if you can relate (cuz this Message may NOT be for Everyone), but for those of Us who have Prayed that Deep, Personal, Just-Between-Jesus-And-Me kind of Prayer........this Holy Spirit Word is for YOU!!

When You've asked the Lord to do something Special in Your Life; when You've asked the Lord to Use You in a Special Way; when You've asked the Lord to Bless you with a Special Gift or Skill to be used for His Glory; when You've asked the Lord to Lead You down the Road Less Traveled........Oh Yeah! All of these kinds of Prayers when Asked Require some Special PREPARATION Time as Our Lord begins to Answer these Prayers!!

And depending on Exactly What *Special* Something You Asked/Prayed for.........I Know from personal experience........that dictates the Intensity, the Length of Time, the Out Of the Box kind of PREPARATION that's Required in order for Our Lord to Fulfill our Prayer request. And just like Today's Title states....this Special PREPARATION that's Required of Us.........can get us to the point of uttering to someone at some point on our PREPARATION Journey......BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR!

Whewee!! LOL! Can I Get An Amen?!  It's like You get to the point where You Know what You Prayed for; You're being PREPARED by the Lord to Receive what You Prayed for; but You're going deeper and deeper into the PREPARATION Process and You suddenly get a jolt of reality in your Heart and  Soul of.........Is This Really What I Want?! Can I Truly Do This?! Are You Serious?! Lord, Are You Listening To ME?! All these questions (and s'more that I'm sure YOU have yourself), come into our mind space.

And this is exactly the Time on Our PREPARATION Journey when We *Realize* what is Truly Required to Live, Walk Out Real Time Our Special Prayer Request. This is exactly the Time We *Realize* Our Heavenly Father is Actually Answering Our Special Prayer Request.

"And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him.   And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for." (1 John 5:14-15, NLT)

So Loves, for those of Us who are on this PREPARATION Journey with Our Daddy God, Obediently doing ALL that's Required in order to receive the Answer to Our Special Prayer Request, I encourage You to Keep This Pic Quote in Full View of Your Eye Gates! Print it out, Carry it in your wallet/purse, Copy it to your phone, Tape it to your fridge or bathroom mirror, Make it your computer wall paper, etc. I urge You to Keep It In Focus to Remind You, Ignite You, Motivate You, Push You, Inspire You to NOT GIVE UP and to Never again utter the words......BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR!

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24, NIV)

"But it is sure that God has heard.  He has listened to the voice of my prayer. Honor and thanks be to God!  He has not turned away from my prayer or held His loving-kindness from me." (Psalm 66:19-20, NLV)

Family, as I close out our time together this Wednesday, and as You Soak in the Confirming Words of Scripture......Please Rest in the Peace, the Assurance, the Comfort, the Trust and the Faith that You're Just Fine with *ALL* that's Required by Abba Father in order to get You Perfectly & Powerfully PREPARED to Receive Your Special Prayer Request!! All for His Glory!! Thank You Jesus!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Well, What A Season! Not like we'd hoped but still a Season of Life Walked Out with Lessons (LOTS of LESSONS) Learned and Important Takeaways for Next Year!

Praying for FULL & COMPLETE Healing for All My Metsies Men! Praying for a Restful and Peaceful and Productive Off Season! Praying for Fun Times with Family & Friends! In Jesus' Name. Amen!

And...........Last But Surely Not Least!! **THANK YOU TERRY!** Your Seven Season Tenure (with "7" Biblically Meaning Fitting) as The Mets' Magnificent Manager has come to an end.

YOU ARE A MAN OF PURE, GENUINE CLASS!! And I can't Wait to see how God uses You NEXT!!    #LGM!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Family,

    ***My dear friend Dwain sent me this via email after reading Mona Girl Blog yesterday and I just had to SHARE!!!! It Truly Hit the Spot for Me and hope it does for You Too!!***

    Mona, A college friend of mine used to sing a song that had the following lyrics. It has been running in my head on *Repeat* today and it seems fitting for the blog as well.

    "All things work together for good for them that love the Lord.
    You may not understand His plan, but that's how He works.
    All things work together for good for them that love the Lord.

    You can't hurry God.
    Oh no, you just have to wait.

    You have to trust and give Him time.
    No matter how long it takes.
    For He's a God that you can't hurry
    Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry!

    All things work together for good for them that love the Lord!"

