Wednesday, February 8, 2017

AN AWESOME "V".........IEW!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday My Family,

I want to start off today's Mona Girl Blog by saying how HUMBLED, GRATEFUL, OFF THE HOOK BLESSED I continue to be, that each and every one of You, My World-wide Family, stop by every Wednesday!! As I've said before, YOU Fuel Me......YOU Feed Me......YOU Encourage Me......YOU BLESS ME!! I sooo TREASURE Our Wednesday's together!!! I sooooo TREASURE Your Love & Energy!! THANK YOU!!

OK!! Nowww, for what Holy Spirit has for us today.......An AWESOME "V"......IEW!! What?!?...Yeah, LOL! I know.......let me explain........

Last week, I was driving along and got the Nudge to look up into the sky where Our Lord was putting on an AWESOME DISPLAY of His Creation......with His Birdies!! As I pulled over so I wouldn't get into an accident, and took the time to BE STILL and WATCH His Magnificent Sky Show......I saw THREE Large groups of Birds.......flying in THREE Huge V's!!!  I quickly looked around to see if anyone else near me was looking UP at the sky......had Stopped like me to gaze at this AWESOME "V".......IEW.....but it seemed like I (at least within my close radius of folks) was the only one Awe Struck......Mesmerized by this special Moment Our Lord decided to share!!

Loves, it was Absolutely Amazing!! Literally an AWESOME VIEW!!!  THREE Massive groups of Birds flying in THREE Looooooong V's!! As I continued to watch them glide so elegantly and smoothly and peacefully across the radiant blue sky........I began to cry.  Yeah! I Know! That's how I'm wired (smile).  I was so consumed by the Beauty in the Sky and the fact that I was one of who knows how many at that specific time/day being Blessed by Our Lord's Magnificent Sky Show!! What An Honor to see His Mighty and Powerful Hand at His BIRDS!! Little black specs........instinctively flying in perfect symmetry in a meticulously strategic formation across the sky to their designated destination!! OH YEAH!! Nothing But God!! I was privy to.....humbled to be a part of HIS Creation's Mind-Blowing Movement from Point A to Point B!! You just can't make this stuff Up!! #DoneFork!!!

As I sat quietly, experiencing the incredible sensation of "Time Standing Still"........(which in reality was only a few minutes).......I had my own Private Time with Our Daddy God.......Witnessing His AWESOME "V".....IEW!! For a split second during the Sky Show, I tried to reach for my phone to video/record the Miracle in Real Time but in haste my phone fell and I didn't try to pick it up......I just went back to Gazing at His Glory!! Wheweee!! I'm doing my best to describe the Sky Scene but You truly had to be there with Me to Experience it first-hand. I only Pray.....Hope......someone else on this Big Earth of ours was able to See What I Saw!! A Heavenly Vision.........An Awesome View......An AWESOME "V".....IEW that I will cherish for the rest of my life!

And Y'all know me by now......because I'm a Truth Seeker and want to understand "Why" things happen.......I Googled and found this Article Why Birds Fly In A V-Formation that explains (in the Natural, "Mr. Science" Way) what I witnessed.  But I **KNOW** (in the SUPERnatural, GOD's Way), I was treated to a Miracle Moment......A Magnificent Look-See at Our Master Creator's Plan that occurs Over and Over again ALL Over Our World.....a Big 'Ole God Wink.....A Holy Reminder.....An AWESOME "V"....IEW that HE IS STILL IN CONTROL.......HE IS OUR LOVING, SOVEREIGN LORD..........HE IS STILL IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING!!!

"Look at the birds.  They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.  And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?  Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about your clothing?  Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.  And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?  So don't worry about these things, saying 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?'  These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.  Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you EVERYTHING you need." (Matthew 6:26-33, NLT)

"Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God." (Luke 12:6, NKJV)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moments are Baaaaaaaaaaack!!

Couple Housekeeping Items to Get Us Up and Running for the 2017 Amazing Metsies Season:

1) Feb. 14th First Spring Training Work Out!!Oh Yeah! Me Excited! Soooo VERY Excited!

2) Mets Gushing Moments will be the same, with me "Gushing" (hence the name) over my New York Mets Men but with this added twist.......ending with a Scripture each week to save, commit to Heart to Fuel, Energize, Encourage Us through the 162++ Journey.

Here We Go:
Father God, we come to You today in Prayer for Your Mighty New York Mets Men. Praying for FULL and COMPLETE Healing......Praying for Endurance, Energy, Enthusiasm, Strength, Peace, Joy, Wisdom and Unity on and off the field! We Thank You for the Gifts and Talents of these Blessed Men that they hone and use to SHINE for Your Glory!! Please continue to KEEP and PROTECT them Father God. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

***"For NOTHING is Impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)***

OK! All Aboard!!  This is going to be an Amazzzzzzing......BACK-TO-WIN-IT-ALL Ride so Hold On Tight! #LGM!! #ClaimVictoryNow! #UnfinishedBusiness!!

© 2017 by Mona J. Eskridge. All rights reserved

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