Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well today, Our Lord has me sharing Just Three Things.....Three *AWESOME* Things!

I read the Prayer below yesterday morning at Prime Time With God and it touched my Heart so much that I'm sharing it with You today. It hit me Head On....brought Front and important Our Private essential Our Prayer critical Our *Alone* Time with Our Heavenly Father is when it comes to Living Out Our Daily Lives!

With ALL the Stuff life throws at us, with ALL the Drama that comes a 'knockin', We Must have, We Gotta have a Foundation of Faith in order to Survive, Persevere and THRIVE!

For Us to really be who God purposed Us to be before We were even formed in our Mother's wombs, We have to have a Life that is rooted, grounded, deeply connected in HIM. And from what I've learned, there's no other way to get to that place of Intimacy, Humility and Peace with Our Abba Father without spending some quality, one-on-one, *Alone* Time with HIM.

Now, I can just hear you in my ear right now, "Mona, between my career, family, managing a home, volunteering, getting my work out in, and spending time with friends.....I don't have enough time in the day for myself let alone to spend time in His Presence in Prayer and just Being Still".  Hmmmm, well all I gots to say to that is, You may just want to rethink your current life game plan, cuz when You do take time to spend quality, one-on-one *Alone* Time with The ONE who created Us in the first place, (however that *Alone* Time looks for You), Your Life will run smoother, Your Family Life and Work Life will have less Drama, You will be a Happier person.....You will experience more Joy and Peace in your Life!  I PROMISE!!! So Loves, I Dare You to just try it for a week (even if it's just reading the Prayer below over and over or memorizing your fave Scripture)........and Just You Watch!!

Anywho, I will get off my soap box now (smile) and share with You the Prayer that got us to this point in time today..........

Oh Father In Heaven,

I want to KNOW You.

You are so Great and do Great things.

I want to spend more time with You.

Help me to make time to sit before Your throne in quiet places, to read Your Word in order to know You more intimately, to develop an ear to hear Your voice so that I know when to turn to the right or to the left.

I TRUST You to guide me in All things.

And I PRAY this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Welllll Family......What Ya Think?  Yeah. Me too :) There's NOTHING like a Pure, Genuine Shout Out to Our Heavenly Father! And that Prayer above does just that!

Loves, YOU know, at times I tend to go a tad overboard with what Holy Spirit has me equip you with as takeaways from Mona Girl I leave you today with a Mighty Word from King David via Psalm 16 and this Powerful Video called Healer by Hillsong. The words of the Song are repetitive for a reason..........let them ring over and over and over deep in your Heart and Soul........PEACE will come to Your Heart.........a YEARNING for Our Daddy God will flood Your Soul!! Much Love LOVES!!

Mets Gushing Moment:
ALL I have to say today is....ALL IS WELL & **EVERYONE** IS GETTING WELL in Metsville!

Continued Success & Blessings.


  1. Enjoying the added touch of the video. Thanks.
    Love u!

    1. Welcome BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for ALWAYS checking in, I ALWAYS feel your energy :)
