Wednesday, October 21, 2015

WALK IT OUT!!!! WALK IT OUT!! #Daily!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Lately, Holy Spirit's been reminding me of how **IMPORTANT** it is to Walk Out Our PURPOSE in Life with PASSION!! So today's Mona Girl Blog is about just that.

I Pray ALL of US continue to Walk Out Our PURPOSE with PASSION.......and if You're not there yet, I PRAY You will Seek and Ask Our Lord to help You, guide You to His Purpose for Your life.  He has a Purpose for ALL of us.  Mona's Purpose: To be His Hands & Feet on Earth, telling Everyone about Our Awesome Lord!! No matter if they want to listen or not, that's what I'm here for and what He's designed me to do. And NOW that I'm fully His, Locked In and Onboard with HIS PLAN........OH YEAH!!!  I LOVE my Purpose and I do it with Passion!

Loves, as We continue to Walk Out Our PURPOSE in Life with PASSION.....We must Always desire it; want it; crave it; study it; learn it; eat, drink and sleep it; share it; Believe in it; LOVE it.......cuz Family, there's NOTHING, NOTHING, and I mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G like Walking out.... #Daily......Your God-given PURPOSE with PASSION.....Living Passionately On Purpose!! It makes You Happy, Blesses Others, Gives You Peace and Gives HIM....Our Awesome Lord....the Glory!!

And to bring this point home with a BIG Exclamation Point! I leave you with this Powerful Motivational Video entitled "What Burns in Your Heart" (Thanks West!!) featuring Misty Copeland (first African-American Principal Dancer with American Ballet go Girrrl!!), Steve Harvey and Steve Jobs.  The Video is ALL about what it means to Truly Live Passionately On Purpose......Whewee!! WALK IT OUT......WALK IT OUT Y'ALL!!!

**Pull the Covers Off Time**: If You're having trouble with this Purpose & Passion thing (which is more than normal, we ALL do at some point), Please feel free to email me at  Holy Spirit may have a Word for You that He will speak through Mona. Remember: Your Heavenly Father LOVES YOU and wants You to be Happy...He really, really does :)

Oh Yeah!! Speaking of Walking It Out....Living Your Purpose with Passion!! My Mighty Mets Warriors are doing Just That!! And NOW, it's become even more personal for Mona.  My Brother Mark is a Huge Cubs Fan.......Oh Well.  He'll get over it and will still have much Love for his little Sister.  All focus is on the Must-win Game this evening.......But I Know that I Know that I Know.....My Metsies, The New York Mets Men, the Never-say-die Gifted, Talented, Humble, Shining Stars.......are GOING (Hallelujah!!).....I said are GOING.....ALLLLLLL THE WAY to the....(NOW I'm gonna say Loud and Proud those TWO Wonderful Words gaining Power deep down in my heart).....**World Series**!! Oh YES!!!!! Say it with me Loves.......Pleeeez SAY it with ME!!!!......."For NOTHING is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

Continued Success & Blessings!

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