Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Y'all KNOW What DAY It Let's Get To IT!!

For Today's **Featured  Message** for #EncoreWednesday!, we get a helping hand from Ryan from Oak Park, IL (Thanks Ryan!) who's taking us back to TWEET.....TWEET from Wednesday, June 24, 2015.  

**Remember**: Email me at or Post in Comments below or DM me on Twitter at @MonaGirlNYC to have your Fave Mona Girl  Blog re-posted the last Wednesday of the month for #EncoreWednesday!


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is about Social Media. I have to be completely honest, I am NOT a big Social Media person (hence why I procrastinated in starting Mona Girl Blog Thanks Holy Spirit!).  But I do have a Twitter account @MonaGirlNYC that I use to Tweet His Wednesday's Blog; communicate with Friends & Beyond (my Tweets are ALWAYS too long); and to follow my fave NYC Restaurants/Food Trucks/Chefs; Inspirational Folks; ESPN/SportsCenter; Travel and Film Stuff.

You all know my Fave Team is The New York Mets and for the last few months, I've been at a location where I've not had the joy of watching My Metsies on SNY.  And since I canceled my MLB.TV Membership (to watch/listen to games live), I've been keeping close tabs on my Metsies Men via MLB Gameday and "Mets on Twitter" via MetsBlog which is by far my Fave way to track the Games. Tweets come in from the slew of Mets Reporters, The New York Mets Team site, etc.  I'm partial to the following three "Twitter Folks", (yeah, I made that's a Monaism@AnthonyDiComo, @MetsBooth and @Mets.  Their Tweets are funny, factual, informative, sprinkled with sarcasm and at times just down right witty. I was thinking about Social Media, my mind wandered to thinking about What if Jesus had a Twitter Account?!? LOL!  Yeah, I KNOW.......I am way out in the deep end today with this but come on.....take my hand and let's see where this leads us.

Soooo, we know that in order to have a Twitter Account, you have to have a Username so here are some of the Usernames I came up with for Our Lord and Saviour: @JesusChristSaves or @JC2000A.D. or @JesusRSavior and my fave, @JesusLives!

OK!! And now that we've discussed options for Jesus' Username, just imagine if Jesus came on the scene and Tweeted His First BIG Miracle - #Jesus Turns Water Into Wine at the Wedding at Cana - John 2:1-11 (read the Bible Scripture at: Jesus' First Miracle). Can you imagine the Number of Followers and Retweets and Likes He would have received INSTANTLY?!? Whewee! YOU Go JESUS!!

Or what if Jesus decided to Tweet what He did one evening in the desert with a little boys lunch (5 small loaves of bread and 2 fish), after He finished preaching to an audience of 5000+ - #Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Matthew 14:13-21 (read the Bible Scripture at: Jesus Feeds Five Thousand).  Can you imagine the Replies, Retweets and Instagram Photos!! Twitter would have crashed!! Hallelujah!!

OK, pleeeeeeez indulge me for just One more "What if"........What if Jesus Tweeted His Miracle when He raised His Boy and life long friend Lazarus from the Dead?!? - #Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead -John 11:38-44 (read the Bible Scripture at: The Raising of Lazarus). Oh YEAH!! I can't even Begin to Imagine the Selfies of Jesus and Lazarus!!! Amen Jesus!!

Family, this was FUN!! I tell you one thing......if Our Lord and Savior had a Twitter Account, I would be His BIGGEST Follower....hanging on Each and Every one of HIS Awesome Tweets!! Thanks to Holy Spirit for feeding me the **Biblical Twitter** "What If's". And as I ALWAYS say, when it comes to Mona Girl Blog, WE just NEVER know where Our Wonderful Lord is going to lead, teach and laugh with US on any given Wednesday.

"Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink, but I trust to come unto you and speak face to face, that our joy may be full." (2 John 1:12, JUB)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets' Gushing Moment:
Because he is who he IS........and Because he's getting ready To Do what he's Gonna Do......this week's Mets' Gushing Moment is ALL ABOUT EMPLOYEE #5!

Oh Yeah! W-A-R-R-I-O-R! 

What David's been tenaciously doing and miraculously accomplishing over the last couple years to GET BACK TO HERE IN REAL TIME?! Oh Hallelujah.......Not for the average bear!


"5" in the Bible Means: GRACE! And *That's* exactly what David's been doing for more than a decade.......GRACING The New York Mets and Major League Baseball & Beyond with his God-Ordained Destiny Presence!

WELL DONE MR. DAVID!! Now.......Can't WAIT to See what God's Got NEXT for YOU! 😇

God Bless WARRIOR..........Nuestro Capitán Para Siempre!!! 🙏🙏

P.S. One last thing..........Sooooooo LOVE when folks count you out and then you Come Back and Show OUT like King David did with Goliath!! Whewee!!! #GodStuff

Ooops - My Bad!! I just leaned that TONIGHT is Jacob's Final Start of the Season!! Soooooo.......

Revised P.S.S. JACOB!!!! Please Make It A....... *Shut The Door!* *Leave NO Doubt!* *IT'S SO MINE!!*.......Kinda Night Tonight! God Luck !!! 🙏🙏

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #33:
NOTE: This is *technically* the last week of my New York Met's 2018 Season!! But Holy Spirit is leading me to continue throughout this Off Season to Post a "Metsies Off Season Scripture".

So Being Obedient.......each Wednesday, you'll find a Word from the Lord to Bless, Comfort and Encourage you as you Walk Out your Off Season and to Prepare You for an Amazin 2019 Season!

PLUS, I get so much JOY each Wednesday in posting what "Thus saith the Lord" to You!

So Enjoy your Off Season my Mighty Mets' Warriors and don't forget to check-in on Wednesday for His Word for You! Blessings!!! 😇🙏

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

MY RANDOMNESS...........

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves...........Every once in a while, I like to share some Pic Quotes that Hit The Spot for Mona and below are *SEVEN* that've (I Know but I like the way IT sounds!) been ridin shotgun with me for the last few weeks. Enjoy MY RANDOMNESS........

P.S. If you feel led, Holla Back and Share Your Faves. 😇💖

**Thanks Paula!!**

**Yes & Amen!! You Betta Represent Colin!!!!!**

**Oh Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!**

**Nuff Said!!!**

**So So LOVE This!!!!!**

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets' Gushing Moment:
OK. Ummmm.....I say *This* will absolute humility and total respect........And I understand everybody's human and you have on off day now and then......And this may be a "kinda sorta ouchie" for Some.......but No Matter your role, YOUR J-O-B as a New York Met......I Pray you Close Out the 2018 Season with EXCELLENCE! I'm NOT talkin to the Warriors who show up EVERY DAY......for 162......but it seems there's a small part of the Team Puzzle that's Not on the same my Prayer is that EXCELLENCE be the Kool-Aid Flava for the rest of September to Finish Strong & Proud!!! Cheers!! 🥂🙏🙏

#StillLoveMyMetsMenButJustSayin 😇


Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #32:

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


**New Family Alert**
Welcome!! to our New Mona Girl Blog Family from Israel, Côte d’Ivoire and Czechia!!
Thank You Jesus for Growing Your Global Family! Love You Loves!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves....I'm SURE Most of You have Already Seen *IT* but for those who have not....and for some of our Global Family who may not have Seen *IT*..........Oh Wait....What?? OK.....before I share the Link.....want to STOP and share what Holy Spirit's speaking to me Right Now......Y'all Know who I'm talking to.......

Yep! Those who Abba Father's been whispering to Your Heart and Soul about What HE wants for lay down this or that (your Isaac's) so He can begin or continue His Divine Process to Get You where HE wants You to be so You can Boldly step into His Destiny.....His Purpose for You........

Oh Yeah! Those who continue to have "Selective Divine Hearing" to what Father God's been Speaking to You about His NEXT for You......and what ALL that entails and will require..........

Can't You Talk Louder God?! Those who are easily distracted by drama, foolishness and spending precious time talkin 'bout Those Who Are DOING *IT* instead of getting seriously focused with eyes fixed like flint on You can get to the Awesome place where You Genuinely and Lovingly know HIS Heart and HIS Will for Your life......

Uh-Huh! Those who continue to Work Harder at the Stuff NOT on His Divine To Do List for You.....instead of Being Obedient and Listening and Doing IT His Way.....according to His Plan not Yours....(FYI that's called Pride!)..........

Whewee! Got one more (Speak Holy Spirit!)....Those (Yeah! So Got This T-shirt!) who Know that You Know that You KNOW IT'S Your Time and IT'S Your Turn but You are feeling  fearful instead of Fearlessly Grabbing Hold of Daddy God's Hand and Stepping Into......Walking Out Like A Boss....the Mighty Call the Lord's placed on Your life............"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul." (Psalm 138:3, NKJV)

Oh Hallelujah!!! *This* GOD MESSAGE Right Here......*This* NOTHING BUT GOD DIVINE CONFIRMATION to JUST DO *IT*!! (whatever *IT* means for You....using what You have in your Heart, Hand and Soul Right Now....cuz HE will Supply ALL You Need (Philippians 4:19) to Get *IT* Done.....but You just have to Courageously & Boldly say YES! and dig deep and Begin.....Keep Going....Keep Doing......Keep Believing......Keep Trusting)........*This* Video Right Here......IS FOR YOU......

Glory To God! Thank You Lord! SO LOVE THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!! 🙏💖💖

Watch Below or Click HereColin Kaepernick "JUST DO IT" Nike Commercial 2018

#ItsOnlyCrazyUntilYouDoIT #BELIEVEInSomethingBiggerThanYou
#BeBold #DreamBig #GodsGotYou

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets' Gushing Moment:
Ok. So What?! I know what the Reality of the Season is............But WOW! Look at ALL the Awesome-sauce Stuff You're Being Blessed to Walk Out.........The Little League Classic; Playing Spoiler (smile); Experiencing this "Pinch Me I'm Dreamin" Journey with your Brother Jacob; Breaking and Making Franchise and MLB Records; Your Own Personal Achievements & Goals.......So Keep Your Beautiful and Talented and Gifted Head Held High.....and Continue to SHOW UP and SHINE No Matter What! YOU are Still in The Big Leagues and YOU Are Blessed!

Ooops! One last thing......SMILE FOR ME RIGHT NOW!! 😃  Yeah.....Just Beautiful! Thx!!



Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #31:

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well my Beautiful Ones........Holy Spirit's dropped this Mighty God Word into my heart from one of my Fave Faith Walkers.....Graham Cooke. I love the way Graham puts his own personal Faith Journey on Blast for ALL to see. Plain, simple, "no-frills" speech so when we read IT, we see IT'S our Lord Speaking thru him to us!!

Like so many of you who've been out here with Abba doing your own Faith Walk on Water.........Oh Yeah! we've learned first-hand that *TRUST* is one of our Lord's Favorite Words!! Not just for us to Read or Say but for us to LIVE! And I'm doing my Best to LIVE & BREATHE Proverbs 3:5-6 in Real Time 24/7/365.....

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." 

It's Nothing but God's Loving Grace, that I've finally arrived at the place where I TRUST HIM......COMPLETELY! And when We finally get *Here* with HIM.........We're blessed with a front row seat to Watch our Lord & Saviour continually Show Up and Show Out in our lives!!

I know it's hard (so very hard at times), I know it's uncomfortable, I know it's not popular, I know you look cray cray at times (LOL!), I know it's humbling, I know it's beyond words.....I Know....I Know......I KNOW!!.......but the Peace and the Rest and the Divine Strength and the God-fidence and the Holy Boldness and HIS Awesome Blessings (not just for You but so You can Help & Bless Others!!) that come as a Result?! Hallelujah! It's Ohhhhhh So Worth It when We TRUST HIM.......COMPLETELY!!

Loves, please take some time today (or whenever you can) to let this God Word thru Graham Soak Deep Down in Your Heart.  It's Good Fuel and Fact for Your  Beautiful Soul as You Continue on Your Faith Journey with Jesus.

'One of the things we have to learn is how to trust the Lord wholeheartedly which means that we do not go to people first.  We go to the Lord first.  

Many of us when we get into trouble we all indulge in the ministry of hints. You know, "I'm not doing so well right now." We're trying to enlist people. We're trying to talk to the people around us.

What are we doing? We’re asking for help on a human level. I don’t think God has a problem with that but it’s not the highest level.

At some point you have to trust the Lord and the Lord alone and then He’s the one that directs your path. He’s the one that decides whether He’s going to fully meet your need himself or if He’s going to use somebody else.

But you can’t walk through this life in Christ not trusting in Christ as your number one source. This is where we learn to pray. It’s where we learn to worship. It’s where we learn to give thanks in everything.

Because why does God want us to give thanks in everything, because it positions you to receive. Thanksgiving opens you up to all the claims of God.

Thanksgiving opens you up to the majesty and the power of God. It opens you up to the affections of God. It opens you up to faith and trust for yourself so that you begin to experience God as He wants to be experienced.'

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets' Gushing Moment:

I just Can't Keep Still when I see INJUSTICE taking place! Can't Help IT......It's Part of my DNA!! 😇🙏🙏

Tell me that I can’t do it.  Tell me that I shouldn’t even try.
Tell me it’s impossible. Tell me the risk is too high,
The challenge too much, Or the feat too tough.
Tell me that I won’t do It……And I Will.

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #30: