Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, as we've rounded the corner on a Full Year with our new President here in the U.S. (and I'm sure the impact of this fact continues to be felt across the Globe as well - Selah!), it's fitting that Today's **Featured Message** for #EncoreWednesday! is a re-post of  I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!! from Wednesday, February 1, 2017.

And Thanks to a Family Member from New York City (my Home!), we're bringing this Mighty Word from Holy Spirit Back to the Top! Thanks Daniel! 

And Family, for the record, I *STILL* JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!! 😆But I feel in my spirit, it's just a matter of time now cuz the Foolishness is Beyond Surreal!! Father God's been Giving me Peace and Reminding me via these two Scriptures/Promises of Who He Is and that HE IS IN CONTROL: (Galatians 6:7 and 1 Corinthians 14:33) Oh Yeah! I'm Yielding to a Higher Divine Authority! Thank You Lord!  Now before I get myself worked up in a tizzy ova here, I best calm down and Get Back to What WE came together To Do Today.......IT'S #EncoreWednesday!! So Here We Go.....

**Remember**: Email me at or Post in Comments below or DM me on Twitter @MonaGirlNYC to have your Fave Mona Girl Blog re-posted the last Wednesday of the month for #EncoreWednesday! 

P.S. Holy Spirit (My Holy DJ) dropped this Song in my heart yesterday. It's an Oldie but Ohhhh So Relevant to *TODAY'S* Message........check it out down below! 😇


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Loves, before we get kneeeeeeee deep into what Holy Spirit has for us today, I need to Get This Off My Chest Right From the Get-Go.........I HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH SOME STUFF REGARDING OUR NEW PRESIDENT.............. IT'S NOW COME TO A HEAD.......I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!

I've been trying to IGNORE the urges, the nudges deep in my heart and soul Holy Spirit has been bringing DAILY!!! And because I AM HIS.......and this is HIS Mona Girl Blog.......I Must sit down, be obedient and pen what He's placed on my heart.  Family, I just can't keep still!! I feel like the Prophet Jeremiah in the Bible when he was called to speak what was unpopular........what some didn't want to hear.......

"But if I say I'll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire.  It's like a fire in my bones!  I am worn out trying to hold it in!  I can't do it!" (Jeremiah 20:9, NLT)

So Buckle Up Darlings.......I'ts going to be a bumpy ride......Here We Go..........

Let me first start off by defining "Who I Am" I categorize/see myself now in my Faith Walk. Over the last few years, Our Lord has placed me in the presence of folks who call themselves Christians. Whether it's by physically being with them or reading articles, prophetic words, etc. that Holy Spirit has dropped in my mind space to read. And Loves from these experiences; from seeing folks TRUE COLORS; from seeing how folks act outside the church Mon. - Sat.; from seeing Souls that are empty and void of His Light; from reading articles and prophetic words that claim to be "Words from the Lord"; from witnessing first-hand gossip, slander, disrespect, down-right-meanness from these so called Christians..........I NOW refer to myself as a **BELIEVER**. I feel that word better suits where I am on my Faith Walk.......I don't PRETEND to Know Our Lord and wear the Christian Mask and speak/write "Christian-ese"........I KNOW HIM FOR MYSELF! I have a Deep, Intimate, Personal, One-On-One **GENUINE RELATIONSHIP** with My Lord and Saviour! I just don't Know ABOUT GOD........I KNOW HIM PERSONALLYOK......Breathe Mona....BREATHE!! (Thanks Holy Spirit!)

So Family, I say all that to say, that as a BELIEVER, I am having a very hard time wrapping my mind around the things I'm seeing being done by our new President and his regime that some Christians are calling The Lord's Will.......God's Will!! My entire childhood I grew up in a home, was raised in a church, where GOD IS LOVE! 

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  He who does not love does not know God, for GOD IS LOVE." (1 John 4:7-8, NKJV, emphasis mine)

And since GOD IS LOVE.....that means Our God is a Peacemaker.......Our God has a Deep Compassionate Caring Heart for those in need......Our God is a Waymaker in times of trouble and distress......Our God is a SAVIOUR.......Our God is a Comforter........Our God RESPECTS ALL OF HIS CREATION..........Our God is Jehovah Jireh (Our Provider)........Our God Walks In Integrity.........Our God is Our Help........Our God Does Not LIE (that's satan's moniker....Oh Yeah! Speak Holy Spirit!!)......Our God is FOR US and Not Against US.........Our God is Not a Manipulator........Our God is Not a Bully.......Our God is Colorblind........Our God is Trustworthy.....Our God is Not Arrogant or Prideful......Our God is Our Protector........Our God is Our Refuge......Our God Loves US.....Our God Loves ALL the World.......OUR GOD IS LOVE!!!!!

Sooooo this is why I am where I am.....I JUST DON'T the things (and some of them horrible, inhumane things) being done by our new President and his regime are being supported, being lauded, being praised by some Christians. As I noted above, I've been quiet with my thoughts the last couple months but I'm at the point where this FOOLISHNESS just Doesn't make sense!! We are living in a mind-blowing, surreal time in America.........don't you agree?!? This is just down-right weirdness and very scary stuff that's taking place in Our Country!! And it's become quite embarrassing and shameful and disgusting.......this is NOT OF GOD.......THIS IS NOT "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF"!! (Matthew 22:37-39, KJV)

Holy Spirit dropped this POSITIVE read below in my lap via a dear friend and Fellow Sister Blogger (Thanks Shellie!) and I wanted to share it with you.  It's a Powerful Message by Father James Martin who gives us a crystal clear look via THE BIBLE, not Father Martin's word y'all, but OUR LORD GOD'S WORD IN THE BIBLE that what's being done by the few in Washington (the Mexican Border Wall, Refugee/Immigrant Policies, Muslim Ban, etc.) is NOT OF's NOT Who Our Lord God's Ungodly Behavior!!

'For I was hungry, and you didn't feed me.  I was thirsty, and you didn't give me a drink.  I was a stranger, and you didn't invite me into your home.  I was naked, and you didn't give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't visit me.' "Then they will reply, 'Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?'  "And he will answer, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.' (Matthew 25:42-45, NLT)

Father James Martin's humbling, Come-to-Jesus Message breaks it down in Real Time, using Scriptures and Biblical TRUTH (click here): "I was a stranger and you did not welcome me."

Family, please don't get bogged down with this is a "Catholic Word from a Priest".......this is JESUS' WORD......JESUS' WARNING......JESUS' WAKE UP CALL TO US through His Servant, His Messenger, Father Martin!!!! We are getting into some pretty gnarly territory here y'all.......and as a a FOLLOWER OF JESUS........we need to be VERY VERY CAREFUL what we are praising and supporting!! God Does NOT like Ugly and God will NOT be Mocked!! (Galatians 6:7-8, MSG) And we need to be VERY VERY CAREFUL who we are lifting up, cheering on! God is NOT a fan of Idols!! (Exodus 20:3-5, GNT)

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.  For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45, NKJV, emphasis mine)

Loves, Thank YOU for hanging in with me today.  This has been a "Wheweeee"...."Surreal" Message to pen!! Shout Out to Holy Spirit for keeping me focused and on track.

But before I let you go today, I'm Still struggling with **WHY** some Christians are comfortable with what is happening in America.......Why some Christians are fine with these ungodly acts occurring.......Why some Christians are OK with the manipulation and pressure and bullying tactics that are being exposed and implemented........Why some Christians have no problem with their Brothers and Sisters in this World being disrespected and treated unjustly.......Why some Christians are oblivious (or is it ignoring or denying) to the fact that **Consequences** will result from this bad behavior (You Reap what You Sow)........and Why some Christians are approving this glaringly evident Un-CHRIST-Like behavior.......I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! And because I am sooooo VERY eager for an answer, if You are a Christian and You are OK alignment with......on board with what is going on in Washington right now......step up to the plate and PLEASE EMAIL ME at or reply in the Comments Below.  I so want an explanation...because as a Word-Abider, Created-In-Jesus'-Image Disciple, Bible Truth Seeker, God-Is-First-In-My-Life BELIEVER.......I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!

"How precious is your loving kindness, O God!  The children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings." (Psalm 36:7, AMP)

"God's way is perfect.  All the Lord's promises prove true.  He is a shield for all who look to him for protection." (Psalm 18:30, NLT)

P.S. Family, in addition to the Powerful Message above from Father Martin, I've also included a Message and a Video that came across my path few days ago.  Both by men whom I respect.  I hope, like me, these Messages bring you Peace and Comfort and Wisdom and Clarity and Confirmation.

Maybe I'm Actually Not a Christian After All by John Pavlovitz

Keith Olbermann SPEAKS!



Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

EYE HAS NOT SEEN!! #JustWatch!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, *TODAY* Holy Spirit has me popping In and Out with a Short but Ohhhhhh So *SIGNIFICANT* Word!!

For Those of Us who have given Our Lives to Christ!
For Those of Us who Know Jesus as both Our Sovereign Lord And Our Saviour!
For Those of Us who have Entered Through the Narrow Gate with Him (Matthew 7:13).
For Those of Us who Have the Assurance that Jesus is Our Ride Or Die!
For Those of Us who Know WE are One of the Kings Kids and are Entitled to Our Divine Inheritance, On Earth As It Is in Heaven! 
For Those of Us who Know Our Soul Salvation is Settled, Done, Established with Yahweh (Our Eternal God) in Heaven for ALL Eternity!

Oh Yeah! Because We are HIS.....This Heavenly Assurance, This Nothing-But-God Confirmation, This I Will Never Leave Nor Forsake You Word from Our Daddy God is for Us!!

This God Word of Truth is what We can Claim and Receive in Real Time!!

We can LIVE & WALK IN This Divine PROMISE, Right Now!! Hallelujah!!

**Commercial Break**:
If You have NOT given Your Life to Christ, if You do NOT Know Your Name is Written in the Lambs Book of Life, send me a private email me at and We'll Take Care of This Together with Jesus Right Now!

But as it is written:

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, 
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who Love Him." 
(2 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV)

Thank You Lord God! Get Ready Loves! GET YOURSELVES READY cuz EYE HAS NOT SEEN!! #JustWatch!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, *TODAY*, Holy Spirit has me sitting here with You, not really knowing *FULLY* what He's going to pen through Mona, so We shall just Wait....Wait......Wait..........

OK! Got It! And Here We Go...............

Last Weekend, The Spirit of The Lord (aka Holy Spirit), brought back to  my mind space the words: "WHATEVER........WHENEVER". "WHATEVER.........WHENEVER". The first time I heard those two words together like that was at a Pre-Convention Meeting wayyyyyy back in 2007 at the W Hotel, Times Square in New York City. Whatever/Whenever was the mantra used by W Hotels Worldwide to instill their philosophy in Meeting Planners and Guests that they could do the ULTIMATE! That The Ladies and Gentlemen of W Hotels throughout the World could grant Whatever/Whenever was requested or required (within legal limits, of course) from "a pair of jogging shoes at 2am to private Jet service to The Hamptons to a bathtub filled with chocolates." And one of my own off-the-grid Whatever/Whenever requests.......A Huge 10lb. Bowl of Mike & Ike Candy for the U.S. Marshals Command Post for an on-site Security Detail during a Client Conference. LOL!

As I sat thinking about my personal experience with this mantra over a decade ago as a Meeting Planner, it made me think about those Two Words and How Much Power they represented within the W Hotel Culture. And then, as things always do, it got me thinking about those Two Powerful Words and how they relate to my personal Faith Walk.

Am I a "WHATEVER......WHENEVER" kind of Gal when it comes to "Walking by Faith and Not by Sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7). 

Am I a "WHATEVER.......WHENEVER" kind of Believer when Jesus says "Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep." (John 21:17). 

Am I a "WHATEVER.......WHENEVER" Child of God when Our Lord says "Whom Shall I Send?" and my immediate reply is "Here I am. Send Me!" (Isaiah 6:8).  

Am I?!..........Are You?!.........Are We?! Oh Yeah! God Stuff to pause and ponder on right here!

Family, As I...As WE, continue to walk out 2018 together in this year of New Beginnings and Open Doors, let's let the lessons learned from our past trials; let's let the time served in the valley with Our Lord; let's let the "you've got to be kidding me Lord" stint in His God-Ordained wilderness season be the Holy Foundation, the Strong Divine Base on which WE can Now Stand Tall and Boldly Declare with God-Fidence to Our Lord, to the World

No Matter What, No Matter Who, We are Now Equipped, Ready and Willing to Handle, Step Into, Walk Out In Real Time with GOD'S Mighty Grace & Divine Guidance our own personal

".........Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty." (Zechariah 4:6, NIV)

"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.  Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I Press Toward the Goal for the Prize of the Upward Call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:12-14,  NKJV, emphasis mine)

"Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this.  He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination!  He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you." (Ephesians 3:20, TPT)

Hallelujah! Now those Scriptures, Right There?! Oh Yeah! That's what I call the Biblical Version of "WHATEVER..........WHENEVER!!"  😇

Well Loves as Holy Spirit brings His Significant Message to a close, let's let   "WHATEVER.....WHENEVER!!" be Our 2018 Mantra.  And when We Do, We'll have a front row seat to *See*, to *Witness*, to *LIVE* the beyond Ephesians 3:20 things Our Heavenly Father will Do In and Through Us! ALL for His Glory!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

WATER TO WINE!! #YouGoJesus!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, Holy Spirit dropped a Powerful, God Word into my lap over the weekend and I just can't shake IT! So You Know what that means.........Yep! SHARING IT with YOU! 😇

This Mighty Message is from a daily Devo I read called Immeasurably More penned through Ray Stedman. You can check out the full Devotional Message and Subscribe to the Daily Devos (in English, Spanish or Chinese via Email, Facebook or Google+) by clicking here: **Water To Wine** - Immeasurably More

I hope this Word from Holy Spirit touches your Soul! I hope this God Word gets deep into your Heart and brings to Life the Power, the Majesty, the Magnificence of Our Lord Jesus!

JESUS TURNED WATER TO WINE Y'all!! HE TURNED WATER TO WINE!! No big production, No pomp and circumstance, No "Look At Me Everyone", No Drama, No Anything! But NOTHING BUT GOD! Jesus is so Smooth! HE is so Calm, Cool and Collected! And This was HIS *First* Miracle! This was HIS Debut, HIS Coming Out Event! Oh Yeah! #YouGoJesus!!

Whewee! I'm getting myself All Worked up ova here!! LOL! So let me get a grip and get out the way so You Can Get Your Read On and come out on the other side of this God Word just as hyped up in the Awesomeness and Marvelousness and  Wonderness (yeah! that's a word, see of Our Jesus! Our Mighty Lord & Saviour! Our King Jesus!

**P.S. Check out the Off-The-Hook Song at the end of this Mighty Read!!  It's the Icing on the Cake with a Cherry On Top Tribute to Our Lord Jesus!!

Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water." And they filled them up to the brim.  And he said to them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast." So they took it. (John 2:7-8, ESV)

Notice the simplicity of this account, how easily, how quietly, with such dignity this was done. He says simply, Fill the jars with water. And they filled them to the brim—not with decaffeinated coffee, but with 120 to 180 gallons of plain, pure water. Then Jesus said, Now draw some out, and take it to the steward of the feast. There was no prayer, no word of command, no hysterical shouting, no pleading with a screwed-up face, no laying on of hands, no binding of Satan, no hocus-pocus or mumbo-jumbo—nothing. He did not even touch the water. He did not even taste it afterward to see if it had happened. He simply said, Take it to the governor of the feast. What a beautiful, simple dignity!
Yet this happened within the limits of a natural process. The water did not become milk, nor did it change into Coca-Cola. What happened was something that happens also in nature. Water is being changed into wine in every vineyard right now! It involves a long process of growth, of gathering and crushing; it involves the activity of men and the process of fermentation. But it is a natural process. This is characteristic of the miracles of Jesus.
In his helpful book, Miracles, C. S. Lewis has pointed out that every miracle of Jesus is simply a kind of short-circuiting of a natural process; a doing instantly something which in general takes a longer period of time. Lewis describes Jesus' miracles as bringing into focus in understandable dimensions what God has already done or will do in such a grand scale within the natural world as to be difficult for us to perceive.

That is what Jesus is doing: he is overlapping the elements of time, of growth, gathering, crushing and fermenting. He takes water—an inorganic, non-living, commonplace substance—and without a word, without a gesture, without any laying on of hands, in utter simplicity, the water becomes wine, an organic liquid, a product of fermentation, belonging to the realm of life. Thus he demonstrated his marvelous ability to master the processes of nature.
Later, John writes, This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him (John 2:11). They believed that here was God's Man, ruling over all the works of God's hands, put in dominion and authority over the natural world and doing with it whatever he pleased, within the limits of nature itself. When the disciples saw it they believed more deeply in him than before. They saw that here was One who could handle life. Here was One who could take a commonplace thing, nothing out of the ordinary, simple water, and make of it wine, make it a source of joy.
Our Lord is able to take the humdrum, commonplace, ordinary events of any life and with his touch make them full of flavor, fragrance, strength and beauty; to turn them into wine. He will do this with any of us as we faithfully walk with him, follow him, and believe in him.
Jesus, please take my ordinary life and through your great power change it into something full of joy, beauty and strength.

*Life Application*
Are we learning to observe and appreciate God's awesome, transforming work in even simple and commonplace events and circumstances of our lives?

Now that's what I call a Mighty Miracle!! And YOU think Jesus can't help US with Our Stuff?! Our simple to the overwhelming Life Stuff?! Oh Yeah! Just Mediate and Soak In this Mighty Miracle and then Call On Jesus to be the Miracle Worker in Your Life! And Just You Watch! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!! 

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

MONA GIRL NEW YEAR BUFFET...........#EatWhatYaLike!

Happy Blessed New Year Family,

Well Loves, Today........Holy Spirit's got Us partaking from *His Holy Buffet Table*. And just like the title says, You can #EatWhatYaLike!  

Oh Yeah! No worry of calories, No breaking Your New Year's Resolutions! You can Divinely Dine from the Mona Girl New Year Buffet no matter Your palate - Vegan, Vegetarian, Carnivore, Paleotarian, Whateva.....This is Just Plain Ole God Food to Nourish Your Soul!!

So grab a Plate (of course I'm using the Formal China for this Meal 😇) and allow Your Eyes and Ears to pick and chose what You'd like to Feast on Today and Beyond.  Pick just one or pick 'em ALL!! You can Always come back for seconds, thirds, until You're Full to Overflowing with His Encouraging Word!!

It's All here for the taking.....Whatever You have A Taste for that'll Feed & Fuel Your Heart & Soul! So Enjoy and #EatWhatYaLike!



"Jesus Christ Invested His Life for You - have you shown any interest?"

"Jesus, I Love Your Name. Your Name calms my fears and guides me each day.  Jesus, Your Name saved me and Your Name keeps me safe." - The Power In His Presence



This New Year.....We make a Wish that Happiness be at your door, may it knock early, stay late, and leave the Gift of God's Peace, Love, Joy & Good Health Behind!  May this Year be the Best of All!!




6) A MAKE-YOU-SHOUT-HALLELUJAH! VIDEO, That Even If You Don't Like To Fly, Will Make You Wanna Book A Flight Right Now!! (Thanks Lennox!)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!