Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, as We Say "Bye Felicia" to 2017 and "Helllllo Gorgeous" to 2018, Holy Spirit has Us Doing a "Rinse & Repeat" on a Mighty Word from Wednesday, December 30, 2015 as Today's **Featured Message** for #EncoreWednesday!

Because COME ON 2016!! #Let'sDoThis! Still Rings True Today, I've tweaked the year from 2016 to 2018 and Here We Go.....

**Remember**: Email me at or Post in Comments below or DM me on Twitter @MonaGirlNYC to have your Fave Mona Girl Blog re-posted the last Wednesday of the month for #EncoreWednesday! 😇

COME ON 2018!! #Let'sDoThis!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Welllll, WE are a few days away from leaving 2017 behind and Stepping Boldly into 2018! I use the word Boldly because that's how I'm seeing ALL of US as we move into 2018! Boldly stepping into the New Year with New Attitudes, New Out Looks on Life, New Ideas, New Goals, New Wisdom, New Insights, NEW US's (smile)!!!

Don't know about You Family but Mona is sure happy and excited to be leaving 2017 with Lessons Learned and Experiences Gained! And eagerly Anticipating and Expecting ALLL the New Stuff Our Lord's got for Me in 2018.  Stuff that will allow me to put to use my 2017 Knowledge that He's Blessed me with!

Loves, one thing Holy Spirit's had weighing HEAVILY on my Heart last few days is, I want ALL of YOU who read Mona Girl Blog to enter 2018 Free and at Peace in Your Hearts, Minds and Souls. FREE from the drama of the past; FREE from the folks of the past who don't fit your life; FREE from frustration, discouragement, anger, fear, envy, bitterness and depression; FREE and At PEACE!! At PEACE with Yourself and Others.  At PEACE with Your Lord and Savior!

Some of you may be saying: Well, Mona, you just don't know what I've done, said, how I've treated folks in the past. You don't know what I've been through. The stuff I've endured and the way I've lived out my life up to this point and time.  God will NEVER forgive me, HE will NEVER accept me.  I've messed up too much, behaved too badly. No way I'm ever getting into the  FREE and At PEACE Zone!! Yeah, You're exactly Right.  I DON'T KNOW about your life experiences but I do KNOW my Daddy God and I do KNOW this.......ALL IS FORGIVEN BY OUR LORD.  HE LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER, EVER, EVER IMAGINE OR RETURN TO HIM.  HE'S ALL ABOUT YOU!! HE MADE YOU AND OUR LORD MAKES NO MISTAKES! HE KNOWS EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE, SAID FROM BIRTH TO NOW AND INTO THE FUTURE! HE KNOWS THE EXACT NUMBER OF HAIRS ON YOUR HEAD. HE LOVES YOU SOMETHING AWFUL!  HE WANTS TO BE IN RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU! HE WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU! HE WANTS TO HELP YOU! HE WANTS TO LOVE ON YOU! HE WANTS Y-O-U!!

Soooo, Now that I'm finished speaking Boldly into Your Heart, Mind and Soul, I ask you to Please (if you are willing) take the Loving and Comforting outstretched Hand Jesus is extending to You, Right Now and say out loud with Me the following Prayer of Salvation.  That's ALL you need to do to enter HIS FREE and At PEACE Zone. This is the PERFECT time to give Your Life and Soul to Christ, especially after ALL He's done and sacrificed for You.  HE gave up His Life for OUR sins so we could be in Loving and Genuine Fellowship with Him. He died On the Cross, shed His Blood for US so We can be released from ALL our Past, Present and Future sins and be guaranteed a life with HIM in Eternity.  Loves, what an AWESOME way to enter into 2018..........riding shotgun with Your Lord and Savior in the FREE and At PEACE Zone!

Prayer of Salvation:
Dear Jesus,
I don't want to live without a Savior any longer.  I believe You died for me, and I want to confess my sin and receive Your new life.  I choose on this day to invite You into my heart.  I thank You for Your blood shed for me on the cross at Calvary.  Now I will live the rest of my life for You.  I pray this prayer by Faith in Your Name. Amen.

WOW!! OK!! How do you feel?!? I remember how I felt right after I said the Prayer of Salvation!! Whewee! What a Rush!!  Do you see me waving and jumping up and down ova here?!?  I'm right here with YOU in the FREE and At PEACE Zone! "Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17, GNT)

Now Love, there's just one more thing for US to do......please give me Your hand, bow Your head and close Your eyes...........You've just taken an important life changing step and I want to PRAY with You!!

Father God, Lord Jesus, THANK YOU for my beautiful friend who just Prayed the Prayer of Salvation! Thank You Lord that my friend has given his/her life to You as we enter 2018, a New Year of New Adventures.  Thank You Lord for your Grace and Mercy in his/her life. Thank You Lord for LOVING my friend MORE than he/she will ever know. Lord, I Pray that as my friend continues to keep his/her eyes and heart focused on You, You will continue to Guide, Lead, Direct, Teach and Help him/her as they walk in the New Experience of being with You in the FREE and At PEACE my friend Learns, Listens and Desires Your Plan for his/her life.  I know there will still be obstacles, drama, hurts and life stuff that will come across my friend's path.  But Lord, NOW that my dear friend has made a commitment to Walk with You, he/she will be able to weather the storms of life, make it over the mountains and through the valleys, and remain unshakable and steadfast as the winds of drama blow.  May my friend Stand Tall and Strong in his/her Faith with YOU as a VICTOR and not a victim.  Thank you Jesus for my friend's new found Friendship with YOU.  Thank You Abba Father for his/her Glorious NEW Beginning. Thank You Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider, for being a Generous God and Blessing my friend with a Wonderful Abundant Life! May my friend continue to fall more and more in Love with You every second of the day.  May my friend continue to Rest and Trust in Your Mighty Love and Protection, Knowing You will NEVER Leave or Forsake him/her, No Matter What! In Jesus' Name. Amen, Amen, and Amen.

Oh Yeah!! I am soooo excited and happy for YOU my Love!! All types of GOOOOD stuff is going to begin to manifest in your is going to taste different (LOL!), you are going to look different, you are going to feel different, you are going to act different.  Not in a scary, I can no longer have any fun kind of way BUT in a WOW! I want to be the BEST Person I can BE and Live for Jesus and His Love kind of way!! You Know I'm here if you need me, have questions, etc.

My Loves, 2018 is OUR YEAR! Embrace It! Live It! Believe It! Love It! Share It! Enjoy It!

You're NOW riding shotgun with Our Lord and Savior in the FREE and At PEACE Zone!! Your Life will NEVER be the same.  Just WATCH how Our Heavenly Father SHOWS UP and SHOWS OUT in Your Life and Be AMAZED....Be Very, Very AMAZED!!!

"Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this.  He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination!  He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you!"  (Ephesians 3:20, The Passion Translation)

P.S. Family, THANK YOU for **THREE YEARS** of Mona Girl Blogs! We have come full circle, with the inaugural Mona Girl Blog in December 2014!  Oh Yeah! Thank You Holy Spirit for your Weekly Wednesday Wisdom!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!! Happy Blessed New Year!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Blessed Merry CHRISTmas!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, Holy Spirit has my heart and emotions on OVER DRIVE today and I want to start off our time together by saying THANK YOU for YOU!!

I say it often and I MEAN IT.........I am soooooooooo Very Blessed by YOU and the time WE spend together every Wednesday at HIS Mona Girl Blog Table! Our Daddy God continues to Grow and Nourish and Fuel and Educate and Ignite the Hearts and Souls of HIS World-wide Mona Girl Blog Family!!

From Our Family in the States to Our Family around the Globe in places I have to Google to see exactly where YOU are on this Big Beautiful Earth, I am soooooooo Very BLESSED Beyond BLESSED to be with YOU on this Awesome Weekly Ride! What a Special Gift YOU are in my life!!

For those of Us who Celebrate the Wonderful Blessing of the Birth of the Baby Jesus and ALL that Jesus continues to mean to Us and Our Eternal Salvation......Blessed Merry CHRISTmas!! 

May You and Your Loved Ones take time to Enjoy and Celebrate the *REAL* Reason for the Season amidst all the hoopla of presents and gifts and more presents and gifts, May We *DESIRE* to Be In His PRESENCE! And, May We *REMEMBER* and Give Thanks to Our Father God who gave Us The GREATEST CHRISTmas GIFT of ALL.........His Son, Our Lord & Saviour, King Jesus!!

Family, as noted up top, my heart and emotions are on OVER DRIVE today, so before I let you go, I have *3* Things to Share with YOU that mean CHRISTmas to Me.........

#1: A CHRISTmas Prayer
Father God. I come to You asking for Your Hand of Love, Peace and Joy over each and every one  reading this.  I Pray for a CHRISTmas Season like no other this year for Your Mona Girl Blog Family. I Pray that ALL of our needs are met according to Your Riches In Glory. I Pray Love abounds and overflows from each and every heart.  I Pray our lives continue to be a Mighty Reflection of  You and Your Love Jesus. I Pray where there are storms and trials in our lives, that We lay them ALL at Your Feet Right Now Father God, for Your Powerful Touch of Healing and Restoration.  I Pray We will continue to Seek You and Your Kingdom First and that You will continue to Use Us as Your Light that Shines Brightly throughout the World.  I Pray as We walk out the last steps of 2017 (a year of warfare training, preparation, cleansing of hearts/souls, completion and perfection) and expectantly walk into the year 2018 (a year of New Beginnings and Unimaginable Divine Opportunities and Assignments), that We continue to See Your Mighty Hand of Guidance, Blessing and Anointing.  Please Lord God, continue to Keep Us Safe and Secure in our special place in this World and to Always be our Refuge and Strong Tower no matter who or what. We Thank You Jesus for being Our Loving Shepherd as We continue to Do this Thing Called Life with You. And Lord God, may We continue to be Loving and Kind and Caring and Forgiving to Ourselves, Our Loved Ones, Our Friends and Our Enemies. Oh! And one last thing Father God, I Pray for A Mighty Tsunami of God-Ordained Holy Spirit Orchestrated Blessings, Favor and CHRISTmas Miracles to chase down and overtake each and every One of Us.  ALL for Your Glory and Honor, In The Mighty and Precious Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen, Thank You God! Amen, Thank You Lord! AMEN.

#2: A CHRISTmas Song

*P.S.* I couldn't pick just One, so these are My Two FAVE Versions of the Same Song!! And Loves, Earbuds In.....Volume on BLAST!!!!! Oh Yeah!!!!! #DoneFork! ðŸ˜‡

*P.S.S.* Stumbled upon Daniel D. on Facebook one evening (Thx Holy Spirit!!) and this Brother Right Here?!! Oh Yeah Gifted!! G-I-F-T-E-D!! Just Listen to this snippet and then check him out
 here for More Music, to Purchase and Subscribe!! Daniel D.

#3: A CHRISTmas Scripture

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings My Loves!! Blessed Merry CHRISTmas!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, Today is the First Day of HANUKKAH and Holy Spirit dropped this Devotional Message in my lap this morning that I so enjoyed reading.  It's from my fave Rabbi, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and I just had to SHARE with You.

It's not a long's a wonderful Word on the History of Hanukkah along with a Message of Encouragement, Motivation and Inspiration.  And based on what I've walked through this last few months of 2017, and I Know some of You have been on a similar Divine Ordained Journey of Faith & Trust as well, this Holy Spirit Word is just what We need!! As We're moving into 2018 ("8" Biblically Meaning - New Beginnings) and are already walking out the Jewish Year 5778 (the Year of the Open Door), it's truly a Time of Reflection, Renewal, Recovery, Restoration and, like today's Message says, "Re-dedication".

So for those of Our Mona Girl Blog Family who Celebrate Hanukkah - HAPPY HANUKKAH! and for those who don't, let's All pour a cup of tea or bev of choice, silence all the noise and just Soak In and Walk Out Real Time, this Word of Hope, Peace and New Beginnings from Rabbi Yechiel..........**REDEDICATION**

*P.S.* If you want to grow a little deeper over the next Eight Days of  Hanukkah, check out this
Hanukkah Bible Study. 😇

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, as we're in the midst of the Cold & Flu Season and folks are running to get their Annual Seasonal Flu Shots (which, by the way, always seem to make me Get the Flu - LOL!), Holy Spirit brought this Word of Truth from 2009 back to the top via my Big Sister Paula (Love You Anointed Paula!!) to remind Us to TAKE OUR VITAMINS!!

Sooooo, being as We are Always Obedient, here's the *Divine* VITAMIN Rx for Us to follow.......

When *ANXIOUS*, take Vitamin "A":
"All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

When *CRUSHED*, take Vitamin "C":
"Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

When *DEPRESSED*, take Vitamin "D":
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." (Jame 4:8)

When *EMPTY*, take Vitamin "E":
"Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, and into His courts with Praise.  Be Thankful to Him, and Bless His Name." (Psalm 100:4)

When *FEARFUL*, take Vitamin "F":
"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will Strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My Righteous Hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

When *GREEDY*, take Vitamin "G":
"Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom." (Luke 6:38)

When *INSECURE*, take Vitamin "I":
"I can do ALL Things through Christ who Strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

When *LONELY*, take Vitamin "L":
"I am with you Always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

When *RESTLESS*, take Vitamin "R":
"Rest in the Lord, and Wait Patiently for Him." (Psalm 37:7)

And, for The Ultimate, Multi *Divine*VITAMIN:
"Whoever Believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal Life." (John 3:16)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!