Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Welllll Loves, today's Mona Girl Blog is going to be short and sweet so WE can get back to/begin fixing ALLLL the Yummy, Low Calorie (smile) Gooodies we make for Thanksgiving Dinner!!

Two Things to share today: 1) Holy Spirit has me PRAYING for YOU and 2) Your Top 20 Thanksgiving Day Play List by one of my Fave Magazines - Time Out New York!

NOTE:  For our Mona Girl Blog Family throughout the world who do not celebrate the American Thanksgiving Day Holiday, YOU are still part of US so Please take in/walk out **Every** Word of today's Thanksgiving Day Prayer and Enjoy, Enjoy the Thanksgiving Day Play List!

YOUR Thanksgiving Day Prayer:
Father God, I come Boldly and Humbly to Your Mighty Throne of Grace THANKS for every person who reads this Thanksgiving Day Prayer.  We are GRATEFUL for the Many, Many Blessings from You Lord....and GRATEFUL, not just on Thanksgiving but we are GRATEFUL EVERY DAY for ALL that You continue to Do for Us, our Families and Our Friends.  I Pray Abba Father that we use this Thanksgiving Season to retreat, reflect, and re-energize our Faith.  That we use this Thanksgiving Season to make a commitment to walk closer with You.  That we use this Thanksgiving Season to get to know YOU better.  That we use this Thanksgiving Season to BLESS others.  That we use this Thanksgiving Season to understand the importance of Giving Thanks!  Father God, We are so very THANKFUL for Your LOVE For Us and I Pray that WE will continue to make a concerted and focused effort to LOVE Our fellow Brothers and Sisters the same way you LOVE US. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Enter with the password: "Thank you!"  Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever." (Psalm 100:4-5, Message)

YOUR Thanksgiving Day Play List!!

Family, would LOVE to read **Your** "I AM THANKFUL FOR"................Please share below.

Continued Success & Blessings!

Also Family, FYI.............

Our Lord has put on my heart to start a Prayer & Praise Line!  And YOU KNOW ME, I am uber **Obedient** when it comes to His Suggestions, so I AM ON IT!! The calls will be the last Sunday of the Month, with the next call being Sunday, November 29th.  Dial-in anonymously, give your name at the prompt, join in for a few minutes or the entire hour......however you choose to participate is completely up to you :) 

Time: 7:00p - 8:00p ET

Dial-In Number: (605) 477-2100

Passcode: 343645#

**Feel free to email me at if you have any questions prior to the call.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

For today's Mona Girl Blog, Holy Spirit has me sharing with you a Powerful Message from another one of my Fave entitled: Grieve For Paris - A Few Thoughts on Global Violence. I KNOW the deeply sad and horrific events that took place last week in Paris are still on our Hearts.  And I KNOW WE ALL continue to Pray (PRAY) for Our Brothers and Sisters in France. I leave you now to one of Our Lord's Mighty Servants as HE speaks through Lizzy to US......

Grieve For Paris - A Few Thoughts On Global Violence - Pocket Fuel
I was going to post about it that night, but something made me pause. I didn’t want to post a tribute and then forget about it as I got back into the rhythm of my life here in Australia.
My thoughts:
I don’t just grieve for the victims families, but for the perpetrators as well. I grieve that people choose a life of hatred and violence, that we become so hell bent on destroying each other in fights over land and religion and freedom. Fights fueled by fear and ignorance.
I grieve for Beirut, for Baghdad, for Syria… for the corners of the earth some of us are more unwilling to call our own (like we have Paris), for the lands and people some would like to forget and ignore. I grieve for the refugees locked away in a detention not fit for any human soul, let alone those who have run from a terror that we cannot even begin to imagine.
I grieve for every family who has had a loved one murdered, taken by drugs, lost to suicide.
I grieve for the lonely and abandoned.
I grieve for every wife and husband who gets beaten day in, day out.
I grieve for every child that hides under their bed at night fearing what the dark brings.
I grieve for governments and corporations who lift up profit over life.
I grieve for a world who cannot for the love of God see that it is destroying itself day by day by day.
It expresses itself violently throughout the world like it has in Paris, Beirut, and in Bagdad. But it’s source resides everywhere.
It lives within us all.
The notion of separateness, that some are better than others, and that there is not ‘enough’ to go around… these are embryos of chaos and terror.
The notion of separateness and there's not enough to go around are the embryos of chaos and terror.CLICK TO TWEET
We can send love to Paris, Beirut and Baghdad, they need to feel our love and support. But we can be part of the change here by loving our enemies, praying for our persecutors, forgiving those that want to destroy us and seeking peace with our neighbours.
I know that there are grey areas, it’s a tough issue and with no clear answers. But the responsibility for change doesn’t rest with our governments. It is our responsibility.
And we can make a difference.
And we should.

Much Love and Continued Blessings Family!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Prayers of Gratitude and Protection to 
Our Service Men and Women who have fought and who
Daily Courageously Serve
Our Blessed United States of America!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Whewee!! Sooooo MUCH Goood.....God Stuff!! going on, Right NOW, in Mona's Life that I just want to STOP and take our time together today to say THANK YOU!!

I so Treasure the **Time** Our Lord Blesses US with to share with each other Every Wednesday through His Mona Girl Blog!  Loves, YOU just don't KNOW, (Hallelujah!!).....what a JOY it is to read your comments via email, to Pray with YOU, to get uber excited about what Our Lord is doing in Your Lives, to just Be Still and KNOW We are connected, We are linked, We are united, We are bonded together on this Mighty Journey called Life.........Oh Yeah!! When I Stop and think about it, IT is Overwhelming!!  Thank YOU Jesus!!

Family, as you can tell, Holy Spirit has Me in PRAISE Over Drive!! As I close out our time together today (so I can go bask in HIM), below is a Scripture Our Heavenly Father placed on my Heart this morning to share with You.  PLEASE, PLEASE read it slowly, read it Several Times, read it in the morning, read it before you hit the pillow it while on the it at work.......just **Read It** and let the Awesomeness and Power of HIS Word SOAK deep into Your Beautiful Heart, Mind and Soul.

It's EXACTLY how I TRULY feel.....and how I GENUINELY Pray for Each and Every One of YOU!! God LOVES YOU and so do I!! And I'm sooooooo VERY, VERY GRATEFUL for Your Presence in my Life. Oh Yeah!!!  Thank YOU again for stopping by every Wednesday to see "What Thus Saith The Lord."

"My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth.  I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit - not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength - that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in.  And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love.  Reach out and experience the breadth!  Test its length!  Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live FULL lives, FULL in the FULLNESS Of God.

God can do ANYTHING, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!  He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." (Ephesians 3:16-20, MSG, emphasis Mona)

"The day you were born was the day God decided that the world could not exist without you." -Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Continued Success & Blessings!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Before we get into today's Message, I MUST...I GOTTA take a few moments to CONGRATULATE My Mighty Mets Men!! WOW! We were in the World Series Y'all!! THE WORLD SERIES!! So PROUD, PROUD, PROUD of the Talented, Gifted and BLESSED New York Mets Men!! Thank YOU for an Amazing, Exciting, Can't Make This Stuff Up 2015 Season! You got me ALL excited and amped up for Spring Training.  Can't WAIT to see what You've got in store for US next year.  Oh Yeah!! Thank You Lord!! #JustWatch!! #Bright,BrightFuture!! #LGM!!

OK!!  NOW, it's time for today's Mona Girl Blog, which is about NATURE.  Holy Spirit's been drawing me more and more into His Presence in Nature.  After all, Our Mighty Lord God created the Heavens and the Earth by **SPEAKING** them into existence......Whewee! Now that's what I call a Powerful Mouthful of Postitivity!

"When he spoke, the world was created; at his command everything appeared." (Psalm 33:9, GNT)

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1, NIV)

So when I'm chill-laxin outside, inside looking out the window, walking down the street, laying in bed drifting off to sleep, running errands, sitting at the ball park, on the golf course, etc., etc.......I've become uber aware of Nature and its Awesome, Powerful, Magnificence in our daily lives.  From the birds I hear chirping throughout the day; to the squirrels I see in the park; to the brilliant blue sky with its puffy white clouds; to the sound of the wind rustling through the trees; to the stunning colors of the leaves as they change from bright green to shades of deep rust, orange and gold; to the fireball orange sun, lavender and pink sky at sunset; to the Awesomeness of when Nature just stops and gives us a few seconds of absolute Silence......Oh Yeah!! Talk about "Seeing God in EVERYTHING"........NATURE, His Creation, is just AMAZING!!

What's so cool is that each time you are Awed by Nature, it's NEVER in the same way.  When you take Notice of Nature, when you're really aware....its daily Magnificence is different each time.  No two birds songs are alike, no cloud is identical in size/shape, no breeze feels the same on our skin, no crystalized snowflake is exactly the same design........God continues to show up and show off His Mighty and Powerful Hand in NATURE!!

As I sit here penning His Mona Girl Blog, the trees are doing a beautiful song and dance with the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves and the back and forth swaying of the's ALL in Perfect Harmony....and ONLY Our Sovereign Lord could orchestrate this Beautiful vision that is Blessing my heart and soul Right Now!!

Yeah, Yeah, I can hear you: "But Mona, I live in a Big City with lots of traffic, non-stop construction, off the chart noise....very un-Nature-like surroundings".  Well Loves, I hear ya loud and clear but ALL the stuff that I described above, is exactly what I've experienced in NYC.  Walking down the street, gazing out the window, taking a moment to chill in the Park or looking up in the sky.  So No Matter where you live, Big City or Small Town........NATURE is Always on display for Us, we just have to take a moment to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN! And when We do, WOW!! We will get an eye and ear full.....We will get an Awesome shot to our souls.........We will experience Our Heavenly Father speaking to us, touching  us, teaching us in a one-on-one, take your Breath away experience through His Creation....NATURE!!

"If you want to learn, then go ask the wild animals and the birds, the flowers and the fish. Any of them can tell you what the Lord has done.  Every living creature is in the hands of God." (Job 12:7-10, CEV)

Family, as we close out our time together, I encourage You to take a pause today, tomorrow...Right Now and just take in NATURE around You.  Stop, Look and Listen for a second in your busy day to the Awesomeness of Our Lord speaking to YOU through His Creation......through NATURE! Oh Yeah, Your day will NOT be the same, I can promise you that!! You will be fueled and filled...Mind, Body and Soul!

Continued Success & Blessings!!