Welllll today's Mona Girl Blog is going to be an "Ouchie" Word from Our Lord.....so I'm just getting you prepared (smile). For the last few weeks, Holy Spirit's been nudging and nudging and nudging me to open up and have Him pen this Message to US but I've chosen to "respectfully" side step the nudges........but NOW is NOW so here we go....
"GOSSIP" as defined by Dictionary.com is: "idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others". And We ALL do IT, I mean look at the majority of Gossip Shows, Magazines, Web Sites, Talk Shows, etc. that we are exposed to EVERY day besides the Gossip WE do on our own in our private lives. I was so into the TV concept of Gossip that back in the day I LOVED to watch All My Children....and when I was a Freshman in College, I actually scheduled my classes around the Noon Time addictive Soap Opera. And like Me, who doesn't just "glance" (not **Purchase** y'all) but "glance" at the Celebrity/Hollywood Gossip rags in the check-out line at the Market or Drug Store. Yeah, raising my hand in this Class.....GUILTY as charged!
Hmmmm, but it's All Fun & Games until the Gossip becomes Personal....until the Gossip is focused on US. And to be honest, that's when the Gossip also becomes hurtful and down right cruel......especially if being delved by folks who we thought we could Trust.......folks who we thought were our Friends.......folks we thought had our backs. Oh Yeah...NOT Fun Times.
I have an AMAZING Friend who Truly, Truly walks with Our Lord day in, day out....and her standard reply is Always the same about Gossip: "If they did it to Jesus, YOU are in good company." And Yes, she's got a good point because Our Loving Lord and Savior took being Gossiped about to a Whole New Level! And He NEVER retaliated, He NEVER got mad, He NEVER lifted His hand to strike the Gossips, He NEVER ran and tattled to His Father, He just consistently, humbly and Lovingly turned the other cheek. Whewee!! Mona's not quite there yet - LOL!!!
There are lots of Bible Verses about Gossip. Our Heavenly Father is NOT a big fan of what WE see as "idle" chatter and behavior....and you can see in the following Scriptures HE does NOT mince Words.......there's NO gray area:
"Don't spread gossip and rumors. Don't just stand by when your neighbor's life is in danger. I am God." (Leviticus 19:16,MSG)
"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29, NASB)
"If anyone among you thinks to be religious and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, his religion is vain." (James 1:26, JUB)
Oh YES!! That Last Scripture is a doooooozie, because (from personal experience) most of the folks who are Gossiping.......smh.......Claim to be Church Folks Y'all!!! Yeah.........NOT good....NOT GOOD at all.
As I get older and my walk becomes closer and more intimate with My Lord, I've found myself asking/doing MORE of this from my Abba Father cuz I DO NOT want to go down the slippery Gossip Trail.....I DO NOT want to offend/hurt/be cruel to my fellow humans with my words.....I DO NOT want others to feel like I've felt.....I DO NOT want to cause Our Lord to curl down His lips at me...I try to ALWAYS walk in a way that makes HIM smile:
"Guard my mouth, O Eternal One; control what I say. Keep a careful watch on EVERY word I speak." (Psalm 141:3, VOICE w/tad Mona Emphasis in caps)
Gossip, Gossips, Gossiping, Gossiper, Gossiped.....no matter how it's spelled or what tense it's used.....NOT a good thing to Do or Be. So Mona's going to continue to do My Best (give me Strength Holy Spirit) to stay away from the Dreaded "G" Word, to stay away from folks who do the "G" thing and PRAY for folks who are caught up in the Dreaded "G" cycle as a way of life. NOT Healthy, NOT Nice, NOT Loving, NOT Helpful, NOT Attractive/Sexy, NOT Positive, NOT Trustworthy, NOT Peaceful, NOT Harmless, and most importantly, NOT PLEASING TO OUR LORD! Oh Yeah, remember Family, Our Sovereign Lord is ***Omniscient***......HE knows, sees and is aware of Everything!!
Loves, as I close out our "Ouchie Time" together today....I leave you with an interesting Article Holy Spirit lead me to on this GOSSIP thing that's become such a negative past time in our Lives. Enjoy - LOL! 8 Flavors of Gossip
***Side Bar***
My Mighty Mets Warriors are battling it out with the KC Royals in the World Series. Game 1...hard, extra inning fight but came up short. Guys.......I BELIEVE......take care of biz'ness in Game 2......TAKE CARE OF BIZ'NESS IN GAME 2!!!!! "For NOTHING is Impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)
Continued Success & Blessings!!