Wednesday, July 29, 2015

LOL!! - Part 2

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Yahooooo!!!!! LOL! - Part 2 is hot off the presses!  For today's Mona Girl Blog, I've searched high and low for some Jokes to make you laugh, chuckle, smile.  And Laughter is sooooo Good for the Soul!!  So without any further we go! Enjoy!!

A small town Doctor was famous in the area for always catching large fish.  One day while he was on one of his frequent fishing trips, he got a call that a woman at a neighboring farm was giving birth.  He rushed to her aid and delivered a healthy baby boy.  The farmer had nothing to weigh the baby with so the Doctor used his fishing scales.  The baby weighed 21 lbs 13 oz.

Two guys are walking thru the woods when they see a charging Grizzly Bear.  First guy says "Run for It!" Second guy says, "You can't outrun a Grizzly!"  First guy says "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun YOU." 

Due to job transfer, Brian moved from his hometown to New York City.  Being that he had a very comprehensive health history, he brought along all of his medical paperwork, when it came time for his first check up with his new Doctor.  After browsing through the extensive medical history, the Doctor stared at Brian for a few moments and said, "Well there's one thing I can say for certain, you sure look better in person than you do on paper!"

The devout cowboy lost his favorite Bile while he was mending fences out on the range.  Three weeks later, a bear walked up to him carrying the Bible in his mouth.  The cowboy couldn't believe his eyes.  He took the precious Book out of the bear's mouth and raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, "It's a Miracle!"  "Not really", said the bear.  "Your name is written inside the cover."

Ten Things I Know About You:
1) You are reading this.
2) You are human.
3) You can't say the letter "P" without separating your lips.
4) You just attempted to do it.
6) You are laughing at yourself.
7) You have a smile on your face and you skipped No. 5.
8) You just checked to see if there is a No. 5.
9) You laugh at this because you are a fun loving person & everyone does it too.
10) You are probably going to share this to see who else falls or it.

Family, please feel free to SHARE a Joke in the Comments below.

Continued Success & Blessings!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Welllll, for today's Mona Girl Blog,  the Holy Spirit has some homework for US to do. And the way I look at it, this Assignment can be easy or a tad daunting (smile).  So let's get to it......

Our Holy Homework centers around a question my friend Dr. Bertie was asked by one of Our Lord's Angels who was in need..........

Here's the Back Story: Dr. Bertie is from the Virgin Islands and for many years, he and his Family and Friends prepare and serve Holiday Dinners to those in need.  It's been a long standing Family Tradition and the group of volunteers grows each and every year (folks who want to assist who live in V.I. and folks who travel with him from NYC).

So one year, Bert was doing his usual routine of being SELFLESS and providing for those in need back home and this man (who Bert saw frequently and helped anytime he saw him) said out of the blue:


When Bert told me this story a couple years ago, it ALWAYS stayed with me.  Not just the actual question itself  but how the man worded his question (LOL!) ALWAYS stayed with my heart space as well.  I think of it from time to time.......and the Holy Spirit brought it back to my mind again this weekend during my quiet time with My Lord.


Hmmmm,that's a pretty loaded question don't you think?  When Dr. Bertie told me the story, of course I asked him, "What did you say?"  And Bert, being his humble and gentle self said he replied (and I'm paraphrasing cuz it's been awhile): "I am just someone doing what I can to help."

Yeah....."WHO YOU IS?"

The Holy Spirit put on my mind for me to pose this Powerful question to US.........and to Really (REALLY) think about what Our answer is.  No pressure, No Right/Wrong answer, No "what will people think if I answer this way", No this is the politically correct answer, No guilt, No shame, No pride, No **NOTHING** except what is in Your Heart, what brings You Peace, what brings You Freedom, what makes You Smile when you whisper Your answer to Yourself.

And Loves, since I'm asking You to do Your Holy Spirit Homework.......My answer (at this point in my life, at this stage of my Faith Walk, as Our Lord continues to pen His Weekly Wednesday Blog through Mona).... My Honest answer is: I AM HIS! Oh Yeah!  May sound hokey, may sound "Holy Roller'ish", may sound cliche, may scare a few of You (LOL!) but that's MY answer and I'm sticking to it :)

Family, that's ALL I've got for US today.  And as I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, I hope you take some time to think about what Your answer I leave You to Your thoughts........


"But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature.  I've already eliminated him.  God judges persons differently than humans do.  Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7, MSG)

"What about you?" he asked them.  "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:15-16, GNT)

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!!

Also Family FYI............

Our Lord has put on my heart to start a Prayer & Praise Line! And YOU KNOW ME, I am uber **Obedient** when it comes to His Suggestions so I AM ON IT!! The calls will be the last Sunday of the Month, with the next call being Sunday, July 26th.  Dial-in anonymously, give your name at the prompt, join in for a few minutes or the entire hour.....however You chose to participate is completely up to You.

Time: 7:00p - 8:00p ET

Dial-In Number: (605) 477-2100

Passcode: 343645#

***Feel free to email me at if you have questions prior to the call.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

YOU'RE AN ALL-STAR!!!! #YesYouAre!!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family.

Today's Mona Girl Blog is piggy backing off the 2015 MLB All-Star Game that took place last evening in Cincinnati, OH at one of my Fave Ballparks - Great American Ballpark!

Great American Ballpark is beautiful and sits on the banks of the Ohio River. It's such a picturesque and peaceful Ballpark.......designed to remind you of the old time Steamboats that rolled up and down the Ohio River. I especially like the Night Games with the sparkling of the Roebling Bridge lights, the twinkling of the building lights from downtown Cincy and the lit up smokestacks out in center field.  Whewee! My friend Patti and I have some WONDERFUL memories of watching My Metsies play the Reds at Great American Ballpark! #Fun!!2MuchFun!!

OK!! Now for a couple Cincy All-Star Shout Outs:

*Shout OUT to Jacob deGrom, one My Metsies Starting Pitchers who played splendidly last night, MAKING HISTORY in his FIRST All-Star Game......Congrats Jacob! SHINE STAR SHINE!

*Shout OUT to two of my Fave people, All-Stars in their own right, (Penny, Director of Sales and Michel, General Manager) who flawlessly run the BEST Hotel in Cincy - Hilton Cincinnati Netherlands Plaza! 

Soooo, now that we've given props to the 2015 All-Star Game and Mona's Personal All-Stars.....let's see what the Title of today's Mona Girl Blog is all about.........Oh Yes! YOU ARE AN ALL-STAR! When it comes to being a Believer and walking out our Faith Walks - WE ARE ALL **ALL-STARS** in Our Heavenly Father's Eyes.  After all, God created US in His image and HE does not make ANY MISTAKES!

"So God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female," (Genesis 1:27, GNT)

As I was thinking about the 2015 All-Star Game and US being All-Stars in our own right......I was led (Thank you Holy Spirit!) to a great read by Kenneth W. Hagin entitled Staying An All-Star for God.

And as I close out our time together today, I'm turning today's Mona Girl Blog over to the wisdom of Pastor Hagin so he can share with Us what it means to be on God's All-Star Team!  No selection committee, no ballots, no posturing, no Team Marketing tactics, no fan voting, no picking and choosing and judging who's better and more deserving.....Oh Yeah!!  YOU ARE AN ALL-STAR!!  #YesYouAre!!!

Enjoy the Read Family!! God's All-Stars!

Continued Success & Blessings!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

DONE!!! FORK!!!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family.

Today's Mona Girl Blog is **A BIG** Testi-Mona about being filled up and overflowing with LOVE for the AWESOMENESS of Our Heavenly Father!

Have you ever reached a point in your life when Our Lord just continues to SHOW UP & SHOW OUT in your Daily Faith Walk?  I mean, DAILY!!! EACH AND EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Over The Top....Surreal......Sooooooo Real Stuff!! Stuff that literally takes your breath away.....Big Stuff.....Little Stuff.......Stuff YOU know YOU had NOTHING to do with happening......Stuff only HE could do....Stuff that causes You to Walk with a Holy Boldness, Confidence, Joy and Fearlessness....Stuff that makes you Shout - "You just can't make this Stuff UP"!.....Stuff that is NOTHING But God's Mighty and Loving and Glorious GRACE. Oh Yeah!!! Stuff that makes you stop dead in your tracks and just LOOK UP and say THANK YOU LORD!! THANK YOU FATHER!!

"Light, space, zest - that's God! So, with Him on my side I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing."(Psalm 27:1, MSG)

Whewee! Oh Yeah Family!!! Thank you for indulging me because I just have to share with YOU that this is the place/space where I've been hanging out lately with Our Abba Father. No Coincidences, No Strokes of Luck, No Happenstance, No Randomness - JUST PLAIN OLD, GOD-ORDAINED, FLAWLESS OCCURRENCES that CONTINUE to Blow My Mind!

"For our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:29, KJV)

And that's where today's Mona Girl Blog Title - "DONE!! FORK!!" comes into play.  When my friend Angela (aka MAA) and I are totally overwhelmed, consumed, awed, amazed, mouth hangin wide open, blown away by Our Lord's Blessings and Daily Miracles........we say to each other (yeah, you guessed it).....DONE!! FORK!!

"...........therefore I lovingly embrace everything you say.  I shiver in awe before you; your decisions leave me speechless with reverence." (Psalm 119:120, MSG)

Real Talk?  It's taken me a lonnnnnnnng time to get to.....arrive at this place/space in my Faith Walk. But WOW!!! Has the journey, the road less traveled, the uber Obedience (instead of temper tantrum), the trek, the "This is the way; walk in it" (Isaiah 30:21), HIS humbling and meticulously thorough Route been Worth It!!!

"What a God! His road stretches straight and smooth.  Every God-direction is road-tested. Everyone who runs toward  Him Makes it." (Psalm 18:30, MSG)

Family, I'm on full throttle/over drive and that's ALL I've got for You today.  Mona Girl's gotta go lay down for a moment after this.....LOL!  Yeah......a bit ALL ova the place but we landed safely this Wednesday. Whewee!! DONE!! FORK!! Thank You Holy Spirit!

Loves, I'm closing out our time together today with two Powerful Pic Quotes, a Quote and a Video! The Video was sent to me by a friend (Thanks Angel Kenneth!) couple months ago and it's been riding shotgun since. My listening suggestion? (Head phones, max volume.......YOU will NEVER be the same!)  Enjoy!!!

"When your Joy in Me meets My Joy in you, there are fireworks of heavenly ecstasy." - Jesus Calling (Sarah Young)

Continued Success and Blessings!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is about **NAMES**.  Yeah.....this is what the Holy Spirit put on my heart to share with you today, so here we go......

What's Your Name?  Do you like Your Name? Is Your Name one that has been passed down through generation after generation in Your Family (i.e., are you a II or III or Jr.?).  Does Your Name have a sentimental meaning?

All these things come into play (or should) when our parents give us our birth names.  As we carry these important monikers throughout our lives, Our Names are our banners, our representation, and sometimes our status. I will always remember back in high school (and even now), how the guys I hung around with always called each other by their full last names or shortened versions. There were times, when we were being funny that we would call each other by our parent's first names - LOL! And there were other times, we would use nick names and most of those nick names from long ago are STILL being being known as Mo or Mo Mo or Mone or Miss M.

But when all is said and done, Our Birth Names are something special.  I LOVE my name MONA (not short for Monica, Monique or Romona) - just MONA. And there are not a lot of Mona's roaming this Earth, we tend to be a special breed, so the fewer the better (smile).

My name in Greek means: Royal, in Italian: Lady and in Irish: Noble.  I remember one time in 5th Grade, we looked up each other's names in the Dictionary and my name meant: "small African monkey".....Yeah, I didn't live that down for a while.  But despite all of these meanings, nick names, etc. my parents named me Mona because there was a little girl in my Brother Mark's kindergarten class (named Mona) who my Mother just fell in love here I am......M-O-N-A.........and I LIKE my Name.  Great Job - Mommy and Daddy!

"A human being's name is a principal component in his person, perhaps a piece of his soul." -Sigmund Freud

Now Family, if we Really want to do this "Name Thing" justice today, we MUST take a moment to look at the meaning of the **Most Important NAME** in Heaven and Earth.......Oh Yeah!! The NAME of Our Lord and Savior, Father God as found in His Word, The Bible.

"O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." (Psalm 8:1, KJV)

As you've read in many Mona Girl Blogs, I will refer to Our Lord God as Our Heavenly Father, Our Sovereign Lord, Our Abba Father and so on.  But those Names for Our Lord are just a very small reflection of WHO GOD IS. Our GOD IS sooo much More and has sooo many More Magnificent and Awesome and Powerful and Humbling Names. You can see the entire list and the very informative meanings and derivations of each of God's Mighty Names here: NAMES OF GOD.  And as the Study Resource states: God knows us by our Names, shouldn't we know Him by His?  OH YEAH!! Good Point!!

Family, I urge you to revisit, often, the above NAMES OF GOD! As you repeatedly read and understand each and every Mighty Name of God during your quiet time, Bible Study, etc......You will begin to memorize the NAMES OF GOD and use them in your daily Faith Walk.  It's overwhelming how the Power, Magnificence and LOVE of Our Wonderful Lord permeates our souls when WE KNOW HIS NAMES!! When HIS NAMES sink deep down into the depths of our hearts.  When HIS NAMES become an integral and important part of our Faith and Love for HIM! When HIS NAMES define the Powerful Audience-of-One intimate relationship we share with OUR LORD GOD!  When HIS NAMES cause us to walk, talk, speak and move with God Confidence!! Whewee!!.....That's when HIS NAMES begin to mean EVERYTHING TO US!!! Oh Yeah!!! Hallelujah!! Glory to God!! THANK YOU Lord God!! THANK YOU Holy Spirit!!!! 

My Loves, as I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, I leave you with an AWESOME, SOUL LIFTING, INSPIRING Video of the NAMES OF GOD!!  Real Talk?!? If this doesn't get your juices flowing and your heart racing for HIS Glory!!!!!!  I don't know what else will do the job. ENJOY!!

Continued Success and Blessings!!